timo a new challenger has appeared: ci.debian.net/packages/n/nqp/testi...6840/#L139 15:45
lizmat interesting :-) 15:57
repeatable ? 15:59
otherwise it feels like a flapper? 16:00
the "no plan in TAP output" indicates to me that something with loading a module went awry and segfaulted 16:01
timo i'm trying to reproduce it 16:04
patrickb Just so I'm not lost, the are now three failures you were recently looking at, one on Windows, one on ARM and now another one on ARM? None of the three are solved, right? 16:06
timo i've solved one on arm 16:43
this new one is a crash of some kind in an nqp test, the one i fixed was rakudo hanging - theoretically it could hang any time, but it occured during core setting compilation on debian builders 16:44
non-zero wait status: 11 sounds like segfault 16:45
lizmat as I said, the "Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output" means it crashed *before* it could execute the plan
which in that file, is like the very first thing 16:46
timo ah, so i shouldn't try to reproduce the crash from that one test file 16:47
but instead, with anything at all really?
lizmat that would be my guess, yes
timo ok i requested a rerun of the test for now 16:48
ci.debian.net/status/pending/?arch%5B%5D=armel has a bunch of packages in the queue before nqp gets tested 16:50
lizmat keeping fingers crossed for a reproducible error 16:59
timo [Coke]: you're running Terminal::MakeRaw version 1.0.0, the fix for memory corruption because of an incorrect struct definition on mac and bsd is fixed in 1.0.1, please update and try again 17:09
[Coke] ah. I remember the note that we didn't need to update terminal::lineeditor's deps - but if ther'es a bug fix, we should require the fixed version, at least 17:21
lizmat pings japhb 17:22
[Coke] timo++ 17:23
[Coke] opened a ticket, linked from moarvm ticket, closed moarvm version
timo the nqp test failure did not reproduce on the debian CI build job either 17:24
lizmat tis what I feared :-( 17:25
timo ummmmmm
A fatal error internal to GDB has been detected, further
debugging is not possible. GDB will now terminate.
lizmat oops 17:26
timo couldn't repro the gdb crash either 18:09
.oO( those damned cosmic rays )
timo what was that, 5 hours of running it on repeat, no repro 21:46
[Coke] oof 21:56
timo i'll see how long the porterbox guest account lasts by itself, when i would need to renew / rerequest it 21:57