rcmlz I red at Ditana that they put the tests for classes inside the Class, using CHECK phaser. To me that seems to be a good idea based on the same argument than putting the Doc inside the script and not separately. Is that recommended? Are the counter arguments? dev.to/acrion/ditana-gnulinux-unma...ction-2g1f -> Tristate Logic Explained Through Its 07:33
Unit Test
lizmat I think it's TIMTOWTDI 09:53
problem is that it doesn't really interface well with standard test practices
and would disallow running tests on already installed modules 09:54
also, any code depending on work done in INIT phasers, wouldn't work as these run *after* the CHECK phaser 10:07
so to *me* it would have more disadvantages than advantages 10:10
rcmlz Thank you, I understand your point of view. 10:45