timo | limit of stack size is also a possible problem in some situations | 00:01 | |
i seem to recall there was a possibility to crash hard when you access quite far from the stack pointer, because it's interpreted as dangerous misbehavior, so if the stack frame is like something + 512 bytes big and we don't use any entries in the middle right away, but something else after those entries, that could trigger it? | 00:02 | ||
it's quite possible to keep the allocation for this particular function somewhere further up the call stack, for example in the worker itself | 00:03 | ||
do you want to give that a try? | |||
gist.github.com/timo/da2f6862121dc...387ffaeda4 looks very "overwriting the stack" | 00:46 | ||
yep, it crashes in a situation where the by_cs->num_by_type is 777, a bit higher than the 512 we statically allocate there | 00:49 | ||
maybe an outlier, but definitely something we must not crash on | 00:52 | ||
i have a patch that keeps the buffer alive as long as the MVMSpeshPlan is alive, that should already cut down the number of temporary allocations by a good factor | 01:26 | ||
that seems stable, good. | 01:33 | ||
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timo | i'm not seeing that many allocations in MVM_spesh_plan in total that the pull request is supposed to save | 02:09 | |
i wonder if heaptrack still running prevented the main version of moar from being installed | |||
hm no that wasn't it. huh. | 02:11 | ||
i only see like 17k allocations in anything under anything called *plan* | 02:15 | ||
"temporary allocations: 3888404" that's the total i get for core.c setting compilation | 02:16 | ||
looks like the re-use factor when hanging it off the spesh plan is only roughly 8 on average | 02:22 | ||
bit annoying to shuttle it through to the spot where i want it | 03:01 | ||
# error: MoarVM oops in spesh thread: by_cs->cs->flag_count was more than 32 wtf? 401 | 04:05 | ||
is_run from the test helpers seems to by default ignore non-zero return status, so we might be missing moar oopses and panics happening in tests that use is_run | 04:09 | ||
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MasterDukeMobile | timo: I bet the big difference in numbers is because my stats were from my laptop, which doesn’t have the jit | 04:14 | |
Because my temp allocations were approx 5m | 04:15 | ||
I think, don’t have it open right now | |||
Is your patch in a branch I can test? | 04:16 | ||
Oh, and that is a little unfortunate about is_run. Wonder how much would break if it failed because of oopses and panics | 04:21 | ||
timo | you can put status => 0 in any use of is_run | 04:25 | |
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timo | this time the problem was actually in code using get_out directly, that's one of the advent tests | 04:25 | |
it looks like i missed you by like 11 seconds huh | 04:29 | ||
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timo | the reuse factor of chosen_position when using alloc and realloc inside plan_for_cs is miserably small | 04:35 | |
MasterDukeMobile | I have another patch that reduces allocations in dispatch programs, but it crashes locally | ||
timo | oh there you are | ||
MasterDukeMobile | Another case of 95% of the time some value is pretty small, but with the occasional much higher value that kinds of rules out stack allocation | 04:36 | |
Mimalloc is fast, but it’d be nice to remove some allocations completely | 04:38 | ||
Maybe my patches would be better as conditional uses of alloca, we already do that a couple other places | 04:39 | ||
Geth | MoarVM/spesh_plan_allocation_reuse: 5322c62d1d | (Daniel Green)++ | src/spesh/plan.c Statically allocate `tuples_used` Max seen during a build of Rakudo's CORE.c was 308. |
04:40 | |
MoarVM/spesh_plan_allocation_reuse: f01e8c0c53 | (Daniel Green)++ | src/spesh/plan.c Statically allocate `chosen_position` Max seen during a build of Rakudo's CORE.c was 13. |
MoarVM/spesh_plan_allocation_reuse: 9aaeb7a8b0 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 3 files increase reuse of allocated buffers in spesh plan code static allocation isn't enough since the numbers sometimes go very high. The reuse of chosen_position is very poor with this approach, it would probably also have to move into MVMSpeshPlan for re-use over multiple invocations. As it is here, it mostly uses it twice before freeing. |
timo | here's your branch, includes your commit but i think it completely "overwrites" your changes | ||
MasterDukeMobile | Cool, I’ll check it out when next I’m on the laptop | 04:43 | |
I had some sort of silly idea earlier, trying to remember what it was | 04:45 | ||
Something like figure out a bunch of common strings in/from rakudo and bake them into the moar binary | 04:47 | ||
timo | string interning is certainly a thing that's out there | 04:48 | |
long ago i experimented with code that hunted through the nursery for duplicate strings | |||
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Geth | MoarVM: MasterDuke17++ created pull request #1907: Maybe optimize MVM_string_latin1_decode() |
16:06 | |
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[Coke] | is the HLL registered for 'raku' still called 'perl6' internally? | 20:38 | |
(trying to update a bunch of old refs to perl6 but not too much | |||
Geth | MoarVM/coke/cleanup: d3e13a6cbe | (Will Coleda)++ | 18 files Convert old perl6 refs to Raku |
20:40 | |
MoarVM: coke++ created pull request #1908: Convert old perl6 refs to Raku |
20:46 | ||
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