ab5tract | R#5778 is super interesting | 00:05 | |
linkable6 | R#5778 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5778 hyperoperator with typed array expects result to be of type matching type of array operand | ||
ab5tract | m: dd my Int @a = False, False, True; | ||
camelia | Int = Array[Int].new(Bool::False, Bool::False, Bool::True) | ||
timo | where did the name go in that display? | 00:06 | |
ab5tract | I think this one of those places where the available set of implemented features constrained the implementation of other, mostly unrelated things on the way | 00:07 | |
eg, if coercion was already implemented when Bool was made, we probably wouldn't have made `(Bool ~~ Int) ~~ True` | |||
timo | right, here's actually possibly a spot where more parameterization and some amount of type inference would be able to help? | 00:08 | |
ab5tract | dd is liable to drop names quite often | 00:09 | |
m: my @a = "foo"; dd @a | 00:10 | ||
camelia | ["foo"] | ||
timo | mhm | ||
i tend to dd :$foo, :@bar to get names | |||
ab5tract | yeah, me too :) | ||
timo | there's a bit of trickyness with hyper ops and the types of things they create for the return values, since hypers descend into iterables of any type | 00:11 | |
so you can have user-defined array-like or hash-like classes too | |||
so the obvious solution i first thought of, of dropping type arguments would work for typed arrays but not for something where the type arguments don't directly correspond to types of inner containers doesn't generalize :| | 00:12 | ||
ab5tract | yeah, that's a good point. | ||
timo | special-casing for Positional[...] or Associative[...] could be okay | 00:13 | |
ab5tract | Ah, I was thinking more along the lines of the fact that `Array[Int]` shouldn't really be storing `Bool` | ||
timo | since that's the roles you are supposed to use when you have some kind of "type of values (and optionally, keys)" in your thing | ||
oh, i don't mind that too much | |||
it's definitely a "huh" when you first see it | |||
m: my Str @words = <dog cat mouse horse chinchilla>; dd @words>>.chars; | 00:14 | ||
camelia | Str = Array[Str].new(3, 3, 5, 5, 10) | ||
ab5tract | I don't see any reason for them to be a type of `Int` when everything that you could do with them in terms of comparison to `Int` values will coerce anyway | ||
timo | this doesn't even error, LOL | 00:15 | |
ab5tract | eek | ||
timo | i assume we take a shortcut there where we create the results as an IterationBuffer and just bind it into the result | ||
ab5tract | well, that's Allomorphism, which I *also* think would have been handled differently if we had coercion in place ahead of time :) | ||
timo | oh, is it? | 00:16 | |
ab5tract | ah, good call out. I'm not actually sure :/ | ||
timo | m: my Str @words = <dog cat mouse horse chinchilla>; my $res = @words>>.chars; dd $res[0].WHAT, $res[0].^name, $res.^name, $res.^name; | ||
camelia | Int "Int" "Array[Str]" "Array[Str]" |
ab5tract | too late for me to find out tonight | ||
timo | nope, it's legit Int objects in there | ||
ab5tract | wild :) | 00:17 | |
maybe I've been doing too much in statically typed langs lately, but bools and strings in `Array[Int]` feels not good to me | 00:18 | ||
timo | well, the Str in Array[Int] is absolutely without-a-doubt wrong | ||
m: my Str @words = <dog cat mouse horse chinchilla>; my $res = @words>>.chars; $res[0] = $res[0]; | 00:19 | ||
camelia | Cannot assign to an immutable value in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
timo | it doesn't actually even put scalars in the resulting Array it seems like | ||
i wonder if that should be a "sub-issue" of the issue we were just discussing? how do these "sub-issues" work in github? | 00:20 | ||
ab5tract | They are pretty new, right? | ||
timo | docs.github.com/en/issues/tracking...sub-issues | ||
ab5tract | I don't think I've worked with them before | ||
timo | i think it doesn't necessarily make sense as a sub-issue of this issue, but there could be a parent issue with something like "hyper operators and typed containers don't work together very well" and the created issue could perhaps be renamed to cover dwimmy and non-dwimmy two-op hyperops, and a new issue for hyper-methodcall | 00:22 | |
ab5tract | yeah, the strings are definitely off. I'm not saying that it's worth anyone's time to unwind the Bool ~~ Int thing, but I do wonder whether we could keep everything we care about WRT to using Bools in numeric contexts without it | 00:23 | |
timo | if you don't mind, i'll quickly respond on the issue about the Int ~~ Bool thing as well as the custom type thing. or if you want, you can | 00:25 | |
ab5tract | please go ahead | ||
I'm going Shaq face over here :) i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsf...28/a11.jpg | 00:26 | ||
timo | have a good Shaq | 00:31 | |
m: my $silly = (my @foo = 1, 2, 3, 4) but Positional[Str]; say $silly.^name | 00:39 | ||
camelia | Array+{Positional[Str]} | ||
timo | m: my $silly = (my @foo = 1, 2, 3, 4) but Array[Str]; say $silly.^name | ||
camelia | Cannot mix in non-composable type Array[Str] into object of type Array in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
timo | m: my $silly = (my @foo = 1, 2, 3, 4) but Positional[Str]; $silly[10] = "hello"; dd $silly; | 00:40 | |
camelia | $silly = $[1, 2, 3, 4, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, "hello"] | ||
timo | m: my $silly = (my @foo = 1, 2, 3, 4) but Positional[Str]; $silly[10] = "hello"; $silly[11] = 5; dd $silly; | ||
camelia | $silly = $[1, 2, 3, 4, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, Any, "hello", 5] | ||
timo | i guess just adding Positional[Str] doesn't cause the containers that it creates for holding new stuff to become typed | 00:41 | |
that may be considered a DIHWIDT | 00:43 | ||
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Geth | rakudo/main: 0a70811438 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files Make iterating Map/Hash ~1% faster By doing repeated attribute lookups only once: this adds some overhead, but reduces bytecode size, which gives more inlining opportunities |
14:27 | |
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Geth | ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned [RakuDoc / RakuAST] Adding config data to a RakuAST::Doc::Block github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5777 | 19:27 | |
¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned hyperoperator with typed array expects result to be of type matching type of array operand github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5778 | |||
rakudo/lizmat-Hash-Ordered: 148c3d4815 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files Introduce Hash::Ordered This subclass of Hash will keep the order in which keys have been added, with as little overhead as possible. The theory of operation is that whenever a key is accessed, and the key does **not** exist in the hash, then the key will be added to ... (29 more lines) |
19:52 | ||
[Coke] | I have a dirty checkout that shows changes in 3rdparty/libuv - how to discard those? | 19:53 | |
Geth | rakudo: lizmat++ created pull request #5779: Introduce Hash::Ordered: hashes that keep the order of the keys |
coleman | [Coke] if I remember submodules correctly, you need to cd down to the libuv directory and reset to the commit the parent repo expects | 19:55 | |
Geth | ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-unassigned [JVM] Error when trying to assign to variable typed as native int and use the result of the expression directly as key for nqp::hash github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/4732 | 19:56 | |
[Coke] | git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard | 20:37 | |
git submodule update --recursive --init | |||
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