pugscode.org/ | nopaste: sial.org/pbot/perl6 | ?eval [~] <m oo se> | We do Haskell, too | > reverse . show $ foldl1 (*) [1..4] | irclog: irc.pugscode.org/
Set by diakopter on 11 July 2007.
agentzh it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=07/0...p;from=rss 06:49
lambdabot Title: Slashdot | Guido and Bruce Eckel Discuss Python 3000
araujo Let python and ruby kill each other 07:30
torz guys, is it "as a r&d engineer" or is it "as an r&d engineer"? 07:49
Tene the latter
torz thanks :-)
was almost certain but needed backup :) 07:50
Tene np 07:51
drbean python and ruby are wrestlers in Delany's Babel-17, believe it or not. 08:19
awwaiid hello 14:43
moritz_ hi (and re ;) 17:20
pmurias moritz_: hi 17:31
moritz_ hi pmurias ;) 17:32
pmurias the kp6 ast dumper shouldn't print out attributes with default values :( 17:50
* which are set to
pmurias although this could be hard to implement 17:56
if one would want not to print only constant defaults 17:58
pugs_svn r18691 | bbkr++ | renamed uniq "operator" to "method" 19:56
r18692 | lwall++ | A few more precedence tests
r18693 | pmurias++ | [kp6] some Visitor::Emit::AstPerl refactoring
r18693 | pmurias++ | (1.isa(Str) is false in kp6) - fixed
r18693 | pmurias++ | a bug in kp6 turns some lexicals in GLOBAL vars
FreshCat when's it due out 20:51
moritz_ when it's done ;) 20:52
FreshCat: do you want to help?
FreshCat but it could be like that little pyramid on the dollar bill
never finished
moritz_ of course it could; but we are working on it ;) 20:53
FreshCat hehe :) 20:54
moritz_ there are a few intersting things about perl6 dev here: pugs.blogs.com/ 20:55
lambdabot Title: Pugs
Kyzia globalchat.pp.net.ua/ 21:45
lambdabot Title: 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xEE􏿽xE1􏿽xE0􏿽xEB_􏿽xD7􏿽xE0􏿽xF2 - 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xE0􏿽xE2􏿽xED􏿽xE0􏿽xFF 􏿽xF1􏿽xF2􏿽xF0􏿽xE0􏿽xED􏿽xE8􏿽xF6􏿽xE0
Kyzia globalchat.pp.net.ua/
lambdabot Title: 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xEE􏿽xE1􏿽xE0􏿽xEB_􏿽xD7􏿽xE0􏿽xF2 - 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xE0􏿽xE2􏿽xED􏿽xE0􏿽xFF 􏿽xF1􏿽xF2􏿽xF0􏿽xE0􏿽xED􏿽xE8􏿽xF6􏿽xE0
Kyzia globalchat.pp.net.ua/
lambdabot Title: 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xEE􏿽xE1􏿽xE0􏿽xEB_􏿽xD7􏿽xE0􏿽xF2 - 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xE0􏿽xE2􏿽xED􏿽xE0􏿽xFF 􏿽xF1􏿽xF2􏿽xF0􏿽xE0􏿽xED􏿽xE8􏿽xF6􏿽xE0
Kyzia globalchat.pp.net.ua/
lambdabot Title: 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xEE􏿽xE1􏿽xE0􏿽xEB_􏿽xD7􏿽xE0􏿽xF2 - 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xE0􏿽xE2􏿽xED􏿽xE0􏿽xFF 􏿽xF1􏿽xF2􏿽xF0􏿽xE0􏿽xED􏿽xE8􏿽xF6􏿽xE0
Kyzia globalchat.pp.net.ua/
lambdabot Title: 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xEE􏿽xE1􏿽xE0􏿽xEB_􏿽xD7􏿽xE0􏿽xF2 - 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xE0􏿽xE2􏿽xED􏿽xE0􏿽xFF 􏿽xF1􏿽xF2􏿽xF0􏿽xE0􏿽xED􏿽xE8􏿽xF6􏿽xE0
Kyzia globalchat.pp.net.ua/
lambdabot Title: 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xEE􏿽xE1􏿽xE0􏿽xEB_􏿽xD7􏿽xE0􏿽xF2 - 􏿽xC3􏿽xEB􏿽xE0􏿽xE2􏿽xED􏿽xE0􏿽xFF 􏿽xF1􏿽xF2􏿽xF0􏿽xE0􏿽xED􏿽xE8􏿽xF6􏿽xE0 21:46
moritz_ damn spammer 21:52
Tene ... 21:59
pugs_svn r18694 | moritz++ | [irclog] fixed linkblock template 22:09
pugs_svn r18695 | moritz++ | [irclog] updated TODO 22:17
ludan hi 23:59