This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
01:03 MasterDuke joined 03:04 MasterDuke left 05:55 teatwo left 05:56 teatwo joined 07:18 beanbrain joined, beanbrain left, beanbrain joined 08:13 beanbrain left 08:52 lizmat_ joined 08:56 lizmat left 09:02 teatwo left, teatwo joined 09:05 lizmat_ left, lizmat joined 09:35 human-blip joined 15:55 human-blip left
pelevesque Anyone using Mustache with Raku? Wondering if this is the way to go: 16:51
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librasteve @pelevesque - I have done a quick look at template options (for minimal static website deployment) and Mustache was at the top of my list ... but then I got sidetracked ;-( 18:28
pelevesque I tried that Template::Mustache and it works great. Mustache feels magical. 18:29
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librasteve cool 20:11
{I think its a great fit for languages with curlies, like raku} 20:12
pelevesque I'm using it to generate postscript code to make a graphical musical score. Raku sets some variables for the postscript code that changes from page to page. 21:54
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