This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
pelevesque Been seardching like crazy and can't figure out how to break out of a for loop in raku. 01:43
antononcube @pelevesque Still can’t break out? 02:26
See last.
pelevesque Hey guys, I'm stumped sub a ($scalar?) { say $scalar.defined } a(1); # True a(); # False This works, but I need it for a list.... sub a (@list?) { say @list.defined } That fails... Is there a way to know if a list as an optional parameter was defined? 02:55
04:50 beanbrain joined
rcmlz m: sub a (@list?) { say @list with @list; say ”nope” without @list} a((1,)); a() 06:19
Raku eval (1) []
rcmlz m: sub a (@list?) { say @list if @list.elems > 0; say ”nope” if @list.elems == 0} a((1,)); a() 06:21
Raku eval (1) nope
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gfldex pelevesque: I take that as Rakudobug, but may not consider all cases. 12:51
librasteve gfldex: I understand that .defined Returns False on a type object, and True otherwise. 12:54
m: ().^name.say
Raku eval List
librasteve so an Empty list is defined (which is why the head scratcher, I think) 12:55
The short answer to the question is: 13:06
m: sub a ($list) { if $list ~~ Empty {say 'nope'} else {say $list} }; a((1,)); a(());
Raku eval (1) nope
librasteve Note (i) I use a Scalar $ parameter instead of an Array @ parameter since if the signature of a sub contains one array, then it is treated as a list of positional arguments, but here we want to pass in the Array via a Scalar container to check it as a whole and (ii) there is a misconception in the question of the operation of the ? optional parameter (see below) 13:11
m: sub a ($list) { if $list ~~ Empty {say 'nope'} else {say $list} }; a((1,)); a(()); a;
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling main.raku Calling a() will never work with declared signature ($list) at main.raku:1 ------> e'} else {say $list} }; a((1,)); a(()); ⏏a;
librasteve ^^ note I have added a new (parameter-less call to a) ... this fails since $list is a required parameter 13:12
m: sub a ($list?) { if $list ~~ Empty {say 'nope'} else {say $list} }; a((1,)); a(());a;
Raku eval (1) nope (Any)
librasteve with the ? to allow $list to be optional then you can see that raku will compile even if no parameter is passed. (remember that () is an empty List) 13:14
m: sub a (@list) { if @list ~~ Empty {say 'nope'} else {say @list} }; a((1,)); a(()); 13:17
Raku eval (1) nope 13:18
librasteve ^^ without the ?optional marker, using @ does the expected, however
m: sub a (@list?) { if @list ~~ Empty {say 'nope'} else {say @list} }; a((1,)); a(()); a; 13:19
Raku eval (1) nope nope
librasteve ^^ when you combine ? and @ then the signature makes an empty list [] in an attempt to be helpful (but in this case defeats the check) 13:20
or, if (like me) you find this test rather hard to understand, you can use raku subset and multi maybe: subset NonEmptyList of List where * !~~ Empty; multi sub a (NonEmptyList $list) { say $list }; multi sub a (List $list) { say 'empty' }; multi sub a { say 'nope' }; a (1,); a (); a; 13:27
lizmat librasteve for the recorded: .defined returns whatever the method returns on that invocant 15:09
m: say 15:10
camelia False
lizmat is an example of .defined returning False on a non-type object
gfldex librasteve: I do very well understand what happens here. However, I don't agree that `sub foo(@a?) {}` should be equivalent to `sub bar(*@a) {}`. I do expect that latter to do magic to make the slurpy work. In the case of an optional argument I expect binding, as it is done by the none optional, none slurpy case. 16:48
gfldex m: sub a (@list?) { say @list.WHICH } a(); a(); my @b; a(@b); a(@b); 16:49
Raku eval Array|5329858285248 Array|5329858296896 Array|5329858296952 Array|5329858296952
gfldex As ca be seen, when you supply something to bind to, Rakudo will actually bind.
In my eyes, the optional case should bind to Array, not an per call. 16:50
While riding my bicycle ( $bicycle + $brain > $LLM), I came up with the case I didn't concider. 16:53
m: sub foo(@a?, @b?) { say @a =:= @b, @a eqv @b, @a ~~ @b } foo(); 16:54
Raku eval FalseTrueTrue
gfldex Here it gets … odd, to say the least. How can I compare something that isn't even there? 16:55
What may be the reason why Larry decided against logic and went for DWIM. 16:56
(The „I“ in DWIM is subjective.)
Also, please concider the following. 17:14
m: my @b; sub LOLWUT(::T @a?) { dd T }; LOLWUT(@b); 17:15
Raku eval Array
gfldex In C we got void to express the absense of a type. In Raku, we cannot. We simply can't express the absence of a type, because all Raku objects have a type. 17:16
What could also mean that Larry was "virtuous" when designing that bit of the language. 17:18
m: sub ohhno(::T $p?) { dd T }; ohhno(); 17:25
Raku eval Any
gfldex I don't agree with that one either. My sprachgefühl wants that to be Mu. 17:26
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