This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
jsexplorerthefirst Thanks for the info MasterDuke and SmokeMachine. 17:23
_grenzo Question: Besides inheritance or roles is there a way to make large grammars composable so I can split different parts of the grammar into multiple files? 21:36
Or are roles the best way to do this?
antononcube @_grenzo Well, I do the latter for my DSLs/ 21:50
I think this is one of the best, most unique features of Raku -- using OOP for grammars. 21:52
Actually, I was wondering / experimenting last year using EBNF and Functional Parsers (FP) instead of grammars. (In Raku.) But I quit EBNF/FP after I saw Raku's handking of gramamrs.
@_grenzo I think a year or two ago I found this interview with D. Conway, where he discusses grammars and OOP: 21:56