Nemokosch The question still holds ^^ 08:16
gfldex m:``` 10:05
my @texts = 'Javascript is lovely', 'Python is lovely', 'Raku is lovely';
my @lies = <Javascript Python>;
say @texts».match(/[ [ @lies && <?{ False }> || 'Raku' ] ' is lovely' ]/);
<@297037173541175296> does ^^^ this help?
Nemokosch Hm, maybe it does, I have to find a proper analogy of what I originally wanted to do 10:10
SmokeMachine gfldex: would `<!>` instead of `<?{ False }>` work as well? 11:03
m: my @texts = 'Javascript is lovely', 'Python is lovely', 'Raku is lovely'; my @lies = <Javascript Python>; say @texts».match(/[ [ @lies && <!> || 'Raku' ] ' is lovely' ]/) 11:06
camelia [Nil Nil 「Raku is lovely」]
SmokeMachine m: my @texts = 'Javascript is lovely', 'Python is lovely', 'Raku is lovely'; my @lies = <Javascript Python>; say @texts».match(/^$<lang>=\w+ <?{ $<lang> ~~ @lies.none }> ' is lovely'$/) 11:15
camelia [Nil Nil 「Raku is lovely」
lang => 「Raku」]
gfldex SmokeMachine: Does <!> got a name? I'm asking because that's an ENODOC and needs filing. 14:13
Nemokosch also, why the outer branckets? 14:14
gfldex They are not needed in this example but I like to add grouping while I write a Regexp so I wont forget when I extend it. 14:16
thegargler hello all 23:11