This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
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winfredraj Hello all 11:38
What does the *% stand for in function arguments??
*%_ to be exact 11:39
I'm trying to use the from-xml function in XML::Class and it seems like this argument is also required 11:40
multi method from-xml(XML::Class:U: Str $xml) returns XML::Class multi method from-xml(XML::Class:U: XML::Document:D $xml) returns XML::Class multi method from-xml(XML::Class:U: XML::Element:D $xml) returns XML::Class 11:42
jaguart the docs are here:
winfredraj Thanks jaguart 11:43
jaguart effectively a sig of *%_ means the sub only has optional named args - no positionals 11:44
looks like you need to pass in a Str, an XML::Document, or an XML::Element and method dispatch will call the appropriate method 11:58
winfredraj I did pass a string (XML string) 12:04
In fact I passed the same string that was created by the to-xml sub for the class 12:05
jaguart weird - if you `say $xml.^name;` can you confirm the type of the XML String? 12:11
winfredraj It seems to expect the filename as string 12:30
But that did not help as the parse failed by XML::Grammar.parse 12:31
So rummaging in XML::Grammar in repl, but the parse is not working 12:32 12:33
This was created by to-xml sub from the class
Can't check with LibXML::Class as I am working on Android 12:39
jaguart Haven't used XML::Class - are you doing something like: `my $str = $; my $bar = $foo->from-xml($str)` to get a copy of Foo in $bar? 12:40
winfredraj Ja something like that but saving it in file and reading it 12:45
from-xml($str) seems to expect a filename for $str and not a string with XML 12:46 12:48
I'll check in Linux with LibXML once I land, in a flight now and don't have a lot of options 12:49
jaguart XML::Document will accept a Str or IO::Path - why don't you just `dd`` the actual input you are sending in 12:51
winfredraj Let me give it a shot 12:53
I'll get the IO:Path out as the data member in the class, that looks suspect to me 12:59
14:01 jgaz joined
greenfork m: unit sub MAIN (); CATCH { default { .payload.say } }; die "Dead"; 16:23
camelia Dead
in sub MAIN at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
greenfork Do you know why I can't use CATCH in unit sub MAIN? 16:24
Here the output should have been just "Dead"
jaguart is it because the CATCH / die are not within a block? 16:28
m: sub MAIN () { CATCH { default { "Oops".say ; } }; die "Dead"; }
camelia Oops
greenfork So how do I put it in a block? Or I can't use "unit sub" in this case? 16:33
Top-level example also works without any blocks 16:34
m: CATCH { default { "Oops".say ; } }; die "Dead";
camelia Oops
jaguart m: unit sub MAIN() { CATCH { default { "Oops".say ; } }; die "Dead"; } 16:36
camelia Oops
jaguart its inconsistent - but if you just make your sub body a block it seems to do what you want. 16:37
greenfork Yep, works for me, thank you! 16:38
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