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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
wayland What *does* lizmat use instead of Comma? 03:17
.tell antononcube Yeah, I should've probably said github instead of fez. 03:21
tellable6 wayland, I'll pass your message to antononcube
wayland .tell antononcube That sounds interesting. But it also sounds like we have multiple names for a programming paradigm instead of just one, which is something I'm finding is common (ie. Table-Oriented Programming has had I think at least 2 other names). 03:22
tellable6 wayland, I'll pass your message to antononcube
antononcube @wayland lizmat (allegedly) uses "vi". 03:37
tellable6 2024-09-01T03:21:20Z #raku <wayland> antononcube Yeah, I should've probably said github instead of fez.
hey antononcube, you have a message: gist.github.com/6e2669739a2c04f7b9...b0c6afd512
antononcube Or at least, @lizmat consistenly puts message like this at the bottom of their GitHub files: > vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4 03:38
lizmat uses vim 08:41
jaguart.v1 once used edlin professionally for coding on a super-mini in cobol 08:46
lizmat aah.. edlin, I remember it well :-)
jaguart but the word perfect program editor - mwah! 08:47
tellable6 2024-08-29T13:38:06Z #raku <librasteve> jaguart: & @antononcube 'tis true I'm working on Cro stuff (also Xliff was looking at similar?)
hey jaguart, you have a message: gist.github.com/8f6c9b215fe46d9f60...03473ce735
lizmat I would have used Comma if Comma had been able to work with the Rakudo core 09:03
jaguart is there an LSP server under dev / in place? 09:04
I know the Perl LSP available for VSCode is a bit pants (not sure if that's vscode or the lsp) 09:05
ab5tract lizmat: that’s one of first cleanup goals 09:06
jaguart when I sat that, I mean that the LSP is not great for code exploration - specifically OUTLINE misses important things and shows unimportant things 09:07
ab5tract jaguart: yes, the name eacapes me but I was under the impression it is listed under plugins for VS Code 09:08
jaguart doh - its there, and I'm using it - at least it's better thank the Perl one 09:11
jaguart been away from Raku too long
ab5tract It’s a notoriously difficult family of languages to do this sort of thing for. RakuAST ought to make things easier in that regard, and it’s really getting close now 09:14
jaguart to be fair to Perl - I'm moving to `use feature 'class'` and the LSP doesn't yet do Corrina 09:17
antononcube I use VSCode with the Raku plug-in, but not often. Maybe, I use indirectly some of its functionalities in Jupyter. 11:03
Any package development I do in CommaIDE. 11:04
Now, for a certain PR for one of lizmat’s projects — “App::Rak”, I think — CommaIDE could not handle the syntax highlighting of the code. I had to edit it as plain text. (Or, maybe, I did that editing in Emacs.) 11:08
librasteve I can imagine the code highlighting the Q-language is a b*stard 11:28
antononcube @librasteve Do you mean the Q-DSL in Raku? I think VSCode's plug-in just treats as two code lines and text. 13:13
librasteve yeah - seems like Q-DSL syntax is pretty unusual 13:29
ab5tract Alright, it’s not much in some ways but it still took a fair amount of work: All Comma source code refers to Raku where it used to refer to Perl6 17:19
Next up, trying to compile against the latest upstream of intellij-community 17:20
librasteve 🍬 18:23
[Coke] I feel like this should work: raku -e 'sub MAIN(Rat $thing) { say $thing}' 3 18:27
librasteve raku -e 'sub MAIN(Rat $thing) { say $thing}' 3.1 #3.1 18:35
docs.raku.org/language/syntax#Rat_literals 18:37
or go raku -e 'sub MAIN(Rat() $thing) { dd $thing}' 3 #3.0 18:38
[Coke] eh, that's fair. 18:39
SmokeMachine I think I might have found a bug? 20:46
m: use Test; class C { has $.a = 42 }; sub b(\c ( :$a )) { is $a, c.a }; b C.new
camelia ok 1 -
SmokeMachine m: use Test; class C is Capture { has $.a = 42 }; sub b(\c ( :$a )) { is $a, c.a }; b C.new 20:47
camelia not ok 1 -
# Failed test at <tmp> line 1
# expected: '42'
# got: (Any)
SmokeMachine ☝️ is this a bug?
if the class is a Capture, the signature doesn't work... 20:48
ab5tract m: use Test; class C is Capture { has $.a = 42 }; sub b(\c ( :$a )) { dd c.a ~~ $a }; b C.new 20:52
camelia Bool::True
ab5tract Looks like the order of the ACCEPTS is only valid in one direction when C is a Capture 20:53
ab5tract Not sure if it’s a bug or not, to be honest. Best to file one any I think 20:54
timo i imagine if you subclass Capture and you don't change what the Associative bits return, you shouldn't expect things to change in how it is unpacked into signatures 21:07
SmokeMachine ok... I think I got it!!! it's using it as a hash's key, and not as a method name!!! 21:11
m: class C is Capture { has $.a = 42; }; sub b(\c ( :$a )) { dd $a }; b C.new: :hash{:13a} 21:12
camelia 13
timo anything that is not Capture is coerced by calling .Capture on it first
and by default, Any will give its attributes as keys to the created capture
m: say <1/6>.Capture.raku
camelia \(:denominator(6), :numerator(1))
timo m: (-> \c ( :$denominator ) { dd $denominator } )(<1/6>) 21:13
camelia Unexpected named argument 'numerator' passed in sub-signature or parameter c
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timo m: (-> \c ( :$denominator, :$numerator ) { dd $denominator, $numerator } )(<1/6>)
camelia 6
SmokeMachine I think the case here is because it's treating it as a hash (captures do associative too, right)... that seems a correct behaviour...
timo yeah Capture is both Positional and Associative 21:14
SmokeMachine m: class C does Associativew { has $.a = 42; has %.b handles * }; sub b(\c ( :$a )) { dd $a }; my $c = C.new; $c<a> = 13;b $c 21:15
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Invalid typename 'Associativew'. Did you mean 'Associative'?
at <tmp>:1
------> class C does Associativew⏏ { has $.a = 42; has %.b handles * }; su
SmokeMachine m: class C does Associative { has $.a = 42; method AT-KEY(|) {13} }; sub b(\c ( :$a )) { dd $a }; b C.new # it seems I was wrong... 21:18
camelia 42
timo yeah i bet it still goes via .Capture there 21:19
SmokeMachine it seems too...
timo m: class C does Associative { has $.a = 42; method AT-KEY(|) {13}; method Capture { \( a => 99 ) } }; sub b(\c ( :$a ))
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Missing block
at <tmp>:1
------> re { \( a => 99 ) } }; sub b(\c ( :$a ))⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:
new name to be defined
timo m: class C does Associative { has $.a = 42; method AT-KEY(|) {13}; method Capture { \( a => 99 ) } }; sub b(\c ( :$a )) { dd $a }; b C.new
camelia 99
SmokeMachine thanks! 21:20
timo YW
antononcube weekly: youtu.be/pcGH6CeptJE 22:00
notable6 antononcube, Noted! (weekly)
tbrowder while y'all are talking Raku code you might take a look at my issuse on raku/problem-solving. i would like to see .pop and .shift take an integer to pop or shift more that one item at a time 23:45
and i hope i'm not the Lone Ranger on that suggestion 23:47
lizmat confirms it's trivial to add that 23:48
[Coke] are there other languages that have that feature? 23:51