pelevesque Ya, they totally could be. 00:36
That has been my problem since I started working on that algorithm.
scullucs I think I have something. 00:37
Gimme a couple of minutes.
It works! 00:39
After fighting for the last hour with s:pos(...), I finally figured out I needed s:continue(...). 00:40
I'll put it in a gist (another few minutes). 00:41 00:44
pelevesque Geez lucs, I feel bad you spent so much time on this. 00:45
scullucs Don't, because again, I learned something.
pelevesque I'm gonna test it now, with repeating numbers too ( I noticed your test does not cover that case ). BTW, beautiful code as always. 00:46
scullucs I'm pretty confident it'll be fine. (uh oh, setting myself up for "famous last words"?) 00:47
pelevesque I didn't know about that c/continue adverb. Pretty sweet. 00:48
scullucs Me neither 😠 00:50
pelevesque It works. I just need to modify it to accept negative digits, but that is easy, just change the regex. I'm good to go. 00:51
I tried with the A.I. a bunch of questions, but it never brought up c/continue at all.
scullucs AI, shma-i.
pelevesque It ain't all that smart. 00:52
The A.I. Just told me Larry Wall is working on Perl 11 00:54
scullucs Heh. 00:55
pelevesque An experimental language... 5 + 6 = 11 00:56
scullucs They even have SPVM in there 🙂 00:59
pelevesque Ah, I had not noticed. It's a language. 01:03