This channel is intended for people just starting with the Raku Programming Language ( Logs are available at
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
librasteve renormalist: not that i’m aware of - i find that bash history/search is quite good after a while guess you have that already 11:38
renormalist librasteve: ok, thanks, so at least I haven't created something overly redundant with my new repo yesterday: 18:44
renormalist m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say $x before $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered";' 20:00
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> before $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered";'⏏<EOL>
expecting …
renormalist m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say $x before $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered";
camelia unordered
renormalist m: my $x=9; my $y=10; say $x before $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered";
camelia ordered
renormalist m: my $x; my $y=10; say $x before $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered"; 20:01
camelia Use of uninitialized value of type Any in string context.
Methods .^name, .raku, .gist, or .say can be used to stringify it to something meaningful.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
renormalist Extreme beginner here. I want to compare any type, and the "before/after" operators are said to work according to the type. Now how do I also let them Do The Right Thing with undefined values? 20:02
I don't even know what to choose for Perl's "undef" in Raku yet. 20:03
Nil, Any, etc. - so please assume I am still an absolute idiot when you answer. Thanks. :-)
(referring to the 3 m: lines above my question) 20:09
librasteve renormalist: suggest you try as a good intro 20:48
I'll take a look at your completion stuff in a while - meantime on the specifics you ask 20:49
ok - I gather that you are trying to work out the ordering of 9 and 10 (this is not clear from your question, but gotta start somewhere ;-0 ) 20:52
m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say $x < $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered";' 21:06
Raku eval Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Unable to parse expression in single quotes; couldn't find final "'" (corresponding starter was at line 1) at /home/glot/main.raku:1 ------> ay $x < $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered";'⏏<EOL> expecting any of: single quotes term
librasteve m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say $x < $y ?? "ordered" !! "unordered"; 21:07
Raku eval ordered
librasteve m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say $y < $x ?? "ordered" !! "unordered";
Raku eval unordered
librasteve before and after are quite technical operators that relate to StringDist 21:08
thay can also be used in regexes 21:09
for numeric ordering you can use <, > and so on 21:10
or you can use the spaceship operator 21:11
m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say $y <=> $x; 21:12
Raku eval More
librasteve m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say $x <=> $y;
Raku eval Less
librasteve m: +"9".say 21:19
Raku eval 9 WARNINGS for /home/glot/main.raku: Useless use of "+" in expression "+\"9\".say" in sink context (line 1)
librasteve raku can happily treat a Str like "9" as a Num with the + prefix operator ... any numeric comparison <,>,<=> automagically does this 21:21
m: +"9".^name.say 21:22
Raku eval Str WARNINGS for /home/glot/main.raku: Useless use of "+" in expression "+\"9\".^name.say" in sink context (line 1)
librasteve m: my $x="9"; say (+$x).^name; 21:23
Raku eval Int
librasteve .^name gives you the type name 21:24
renormalist libreasteve: thanks for the time. Let's see I get my problem narrowed down: 22:17
I want to write a sort function that works with any elements. I could do an explicit type handling for Num, Str respectively.
So I hoped there would be some common operator which works depending on Type. I understand that before/after seem to be from the wrong Type classes for my case. Would "cmp" be the right thing? 22:22
cmp ... "Smart three-way comparator" says Let me try it... 22:23
m: my $x=9; my $y=10; say ($x cmp $y == Same|Less) ?? "ordered" !! "unordered"; 22:28
camelia ordered
renormalist m: my $x="9"; my $y="10"; say ($x cmp $y == Same|Less) ?? "ordered" !! "unordered"; 22:29
camelia unordered
renormalist I hope using a junction "Same|Less" is valid usage, equivalent to numeric "<=" or string "le". 22:31
antononcube @renormalist Please add a “Why” section or a mission statement to “Data::DPath” : 23:00
Seems intriguing…
renormalist antononcube: Yeah, so far Data::DPath is just the package, I try to port everything from Perl. So far I'm still experimenting with super-basic basics with Raku. 23:28
antononcube: In the meantime you can read Data::DPath on Perl's metacpan, if that's what you are directly interested in. I will add a Why when I actually get to the code. 23:29
So here is my problem in actual code: . 23:33
When I uncomment the very last the with the single Nil in the list, , then it prints warnings I try to fix.
*the very last test 23:36