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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tbrowder yo, hello 19:46
i need help with lizmat's rak, please
i need to search the entire readable file system for files ending in a specific pattern, e.g,, '.otf' or '.ttf', etc. 19:48
the files must be readable by ordinary users 19:49
i've tried: rak / .otf --type=ends-with 19:50
and variants. i can search most any path but / 19:51
haha! i haven't tried /usr (not sure if that" 19:52
that's valid on a mac
ab5tract tbrowder: that's really more of a permissions issue than a rak one though, right?
also, for that purpose I would probably go with piping find into grep, but it's really a separate question 19:54
since both will be constrained by the same permissions
tbrowder yes, i dir get the line to work when i used: '/usr' for the path 19:55
but the result was a list of relative file name (with lots of dots) 19:56
is /usr a valid path on a mac? 19:57
i have tried find on a mac (until it got lent to my grandson) but it was quite different. i am hoping to use rak to mitigate that 19:59
hm, there may be a magic $*PATH to do that...back to the docs... 20:03
ab5tract ‘/usr’ will not be comprehensive, fwiw. That misses ‘/Users’, most significantly 20:09
tbrowder ah, that's on mac, right? 20:10
.ask lizmat is there any way to get 'rak' to search for all files readable by the user on linux and macos and windows using the same syntax? 20:13
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to lizmat
tbrowder my use case in particular is searching for all installed font files (especially ending in otf, .ttf, and .pfb) 20:15
guifa You can find fonts in /User but outside of shared folders, you'll only really get them in ~/Library/Fonts 21:36
tbrowder thnx 21:46
ab5tract Yeah I don’t know if it really makes sense to search an entire file system 23:03
Linux provides utilities for querying installed fonts 23:04
I’m pretty sure macOS does as well. And I’d be surprised if there were nothing available for Windows
lizmat tbrowder: --is-readable 23:39
tellable6 2024-11-02T20:13:19Z #raku <tbrowder> lizmat is there any way to get 'rak' to search for all files readable by the user on linux and macos and windows using the same syntax?