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habere-et-disper What is the terminology for the different way in which raku performs a reduction compared with uiua? 22:50
m: (2,2,2,2).reduce( &[!=] ).say
camelia False
habere-et-disper uiua gets 1 with `/≠ [2 2 2 2]`
I am confused at how they arrive at different results. 22:52
nahita3882 terminology you are looking for is I think "associativity" of the operator passed to reduce 23:06
&[!=] has "chain" associativity, so what Raku does is compute 2 != 2 != 2 != 2 chained together: this is False, right? because they are not not-equal to each other all 23:07
what uiua (and i assume most other languages) does is assume "left association" no matter what the operator is 23:08
then they would do this: first compute two elements' result: 2 != 2 which is False. Now use this result to compute with 3rd element: False != 2 which is True. Now use this result to compute with 4th element: True != 2 which is True, hence the 1 you get in uiua 23:09
habere-et-disper Thanks @nahita3882 23:11
nahita3882 Then, if you pass, for example, * != * as the code object to Raku's reduce, since this is an ordinary WhateverCode object, it has the default association: left
then it will give the same result, i.e., True
m: (2, 2, 2, 2).reduce(* != *).say
Raku eval True
habere-et-disper I learnt something. Wonderful -- thank you. 23:12
nahita3882 np
i learned about uiua, so thank you too