02:10 coleman left 02:12 coleman joined 08:00 samebchase left 10:11 [Coke] left 10:57 [Coke] joined 11:30 sena_kun joined
Geth doc/main: 41dcf0a9ff | finanalyst++ | 4 files
see issue #4540

  [gist of report with link checks](gist.github.com/finanalyst/4767315...file1-txt)
finanalyst [Coke] the commit was done without a PR by mistake. But the links seem to be OK 14:51
Geth doc/change_old_design_links_with_internal_targets: bfbf43cd7b | finanalyst++ | 13 files
see issue #4540 remaing files

  [gist of report with link checks](gist.github.com/finanalyst/c676034...argets-md)
  [gist of internal links that do not work](gist.github.com/finanalyst/8323598...-links-md)
doc: finanalyst++ created pull request #4548:
see issue #4540 remaing files
19:08 finanalyst left 22:07 finanalyst joined 22:52 sena_kun left