winfredraj hello all, 15:40
I have a Raku tcp client written for a B&R specific Winio protocol and this works semalessly both in WSL and native Windows - Rakus endless bag of tricks and multiple dispatch helped prototyoe it very quickly 15:42
I wanted to finally implement it C# so that I could have a WPF application and I am finding it very difficult to port it to .NET 15:43
Due to time considerations, would it be possible to use the orginal Raku script directly in the .NET application? 15:44
The other option would be try Gtk and do the frontend in Raku itself, but it would be much simpler for me in WPF 15:46
antononcube I think there is an easy solution: 1) Make a CLI script for your Raku client, 2) Invoke that script as an "os shell command" from the .NET app. 15:52
winfredraj Hi, it is continuous data transfer between the Raku client and the B&R PLC server - I would then either have to log the results in a file and access that for Wpf Or create a Raku server and access that 19:48
There will be no way to directly bind the data to the visualization in Wpf 19:49