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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
[Coke] .seen el-che 01:39
tellable6 [Coke], I saw el-che 2025-01-14T18:04:53Z in #raku: <El_Che> sjn: have you tried serge and emmanuel (both are from Brussels)
[Coke] .tell el_che 2025.01 releases are on github
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to El_Che
[Coke] .tell patrickb 2025.01 releases are on github 01:40
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to patrickb
[Coke] 2025.01 releng is done. 02:31
Xliff_ [Coke]++ 03:54
[Coke] github.com/rakudo/rakudo.org/issues/106 might be an easy ask for someone. 17:30
question: does 'make stresstest' ONLY run tests marked as stress? Or all tests PLUS stress tests? 17:33
lizmat I think all + tests marked stresstest 17:34
[Coke] ok, then we're running duplicate tests during with Ake during the release. Thanks. 17:35
lizmat I could be wrong :-)
unfortunately, it'll be some minutes before I can test myself 17:36
(in the middle of something)
[Coke] github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5773 if we're wrong. :) 17:37
jdv i think its all cause its about as long as spec, right 17:39
[Coke] I recall it being all but had trouble finding the logic in the test runner just now 17:42
[Coke] Xliff_: can you respond to lizmat's question on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3765 ? 22:54
m: say [max] (1..100000) 23:05
camelia Flattened array has 100000 elements, but argument lists are limited to 65535
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1