Geth XML: wayland++ created pull request #71:
Added "does Positional" since these already have AT-POS methods
wayland76 Hi! Where do I send PRs for community modules (like ) so that they get some attention? 09:29
lizmat either here or on #raku-dev 09:38
wayland76 Do I need to do anything else, or have I already done enough?
lizmat in that particular case, enough... 09:40
alternately, you could get a commit bit and membership of the zef raku-community-modules group so you can do updates yourself :-)
wayland76 How do I do that? Is there a document to read? 09:51
(happy if this commit goes ahead without me though) 09:52
lizmat going afk for an hour or so, then will do the merge and update
if you plan on doing some more on community modules, then being able to do it yourself would help you and me :-) 09:53
wayland76 I don't, but I wasn't planning to do this one either. Nor was I planning to do the PRs I sent you for Hash::Agnostic a few months back. I submit PRs when I find things broken for my particular use cases. 09:55
I'll probably be in bed in an hour, but I'm hoping to use the fixed version tomorrow morning :) . 09:56
(up to you to decide whether that's a useful frequency or not) 10:07
lizmat works for me :-) 11:08
Geth XML/main: e837b74159 | (Tim Nelson)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Added "does Positional" since these already have AT-POS methods
Geth Data-MessagePack/main: 1ddd471c79 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 41 files
CI test prior to release
Data-MessagePack/main: f7f89432bf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
XML: wayland++ created pull request #72:
Added the .elems method to XML::Element and XML::Document, and added …
wayland Hi! I've done another PR. There's about a 70% chance I'll be implementing Associative on XML::Element in the next week or two. 22:42