wayland76 Where do I send PRs for community modules (like github.com/raku-community-modules/XML/pull/71 ) so that they get some attention? 09:18
(Hi again :) )
If anyone is interested, I added "does Positional" and the tests ran fine, but when I tried adding "does Associative", they almost all failed, even though the class in question already has an AT-KEY method. 09:19
lizmat wayland76: there's a #raku-community-modules channel where you can ask questions like these 09:24
which also is where Geth posts updates 09:25
wayland76 Lovely! Thanks! 09:28
wayland76 Hi! Just spotted ≽ on the Raku Operators page, but with no description. Does anyone know what it's for? 10:38
thundergnat wayland76: ≽ is a deprecated operator. It used to mean "is a super set of" or "contains". 11:04
m: say <v g> ≽ 'g';
camelia ≽ was removed in v6.d, please use ⊇ operator instead
or compile your code with 'use v6.c'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
thundergnat m: say <v g> ⊇ 'g';
camelia True
librasteve timo: I would be happy to f/back on the bikeshedding - looks like tbrowder is going to resubmit a new PR with changes so far 15:11
tbrowder: please can you put a link here to the new PR when it's ready so that I can tear it to shreds ;-) 15:12
btw I have checked that yoou can enter the literal unicode char into the docs search 🐧and it will get correctly pushed up to google search and back down to a valid result list 15:14
wayland76: would you be kind enough to raise an issue (ideally a PR) to remove the deprecated operator (or maybe better to describe it's status) 15:18
wayland76: I went through a lot of trial and error with Positional and Associative to make a DataFrame in the Dan module you are welcome to review what I settled on github.com/librasteve/raku-Dan/blo...kumod#L794 15:21
the idea was to implement cascading accessors like say df[0][0];, say df[0]<A>;,say df{"2022-01-03"}[1]; and so on 15:24
I ended up with role DataFrame does Positional does Iterable {} so chose to implement the Associative aspects with custom postcircumfix instead of AT-KEY 15:26
timo please be aware that operators are part of the language, in other words lexically scoped. if you put the object in any code that tries to use postcircumfix:<{ }> on it, it will use the core version, not your custom one 15:48
you might also be interested in `has @!data handles <iterator flat lazy hyper Numeric list>;` 15:53
librasteve timo: good point - it works for my case, since my class specifically does NOT claim is Associative or similar 16:04
nor does it have an AT-KEY method
melezhik. Good news. Today I have had a meeting with RockyLinux QA team , the agreed to give it Sparrow a try … I do some prototyping this and next week. So fingers crossed 🤞) 17:05
lizmat 🤞 !! 19:46
wayland librasteve: Thanks! Regarding Positional and Associative, I did the same with TOP, though I relied heavily on Hash::Agnostic and Array::Agnostic (after appropriate bugfixes). The Positional stuff on XML was an easy fix; Associative will be harder, but I think it'll just be a matter of reading the docs and looking for other functions to implement or something. 21:16
wayland melezhik: Good news :) 21:17
tbrowder librasteve_: you’ll normally see those links automagically on #raku-doc 21:18
wayland librasteve: PR done :) 21:33
SrainUser Parallelism with "start" in for loops seem unreliable. When I run: 23:49
for 1..5 { 23:50
start {
say "hi";
evalable6 hi
SrainUser I get different amounts printed with each run. Is this normal?