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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
[Tux] Rakudo v2022.12-1-gd52342eb0 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2023.02-1-g9d2a4e609
csv-ip5xs0.770 - 0.827
csv-ip5xs-205.190 - 5.670
csv-parser3.632 - 3.668
csv-test-xs-200.407 - 0.499
test6.181 - 6.212
test-t1.398 - 1.465
test-t --race0.890 - 0.896
test-t-2020.460 - 20.905
test-t-20 --race6.141 - 6.723
ab5tract nine: AFAICT everything is resolved in my PR 10:52
tellable6 2023-02-21T18:17:04Z #raku-dev <nine> ab5tract: thanks! I hope to find time for a review tomorrow.
ab5tract in fact, something strange is going on. consider the question embedded in this code: `my $outer = True; { my $new-lexical-scope = True; my $is-it-a-new-package-though; };` 15:30
I ask because I'm actually trying to fix something that the current spectests don't cover, at least the ones that I got working. `module M { enum <A B>; }; dd +M::A` works and `module M { my enum <A B> }; dd + M::A` shouldn't. 15:32
I've got that fixed locally by getting the stash from the $!current-package when the enum is anonymous 15:33
But that breaks the t/spec/12-enums/anonymous.t because apparently when they re-declare 'foo' inside a new lexical scope, $!current-package is still global 15:36
alternatively, I could allow for replacing of declarations in a given package stash, instead of dying as I currently do. This would fit what base does, minus the raising of a 'Potential Difficulties' warning 15:47
I've opted for this alternative approach 16:01
lizmat I guess we should make this a compile time error: 16:29
m: constant a = INIT Date.today; dd a
camelia Mu !INIT_VALUES{'1'} = Mu