🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
patrickb lizmat: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/commit/27...c00aae75ef is the change that fixes the build. The last moar bump is earlier than that. I can do the bump in the evening if you don't beat me to it. 04:55
Geth rakudo/main: c0a95290ca | (Patrick Böker)++ | tools/build/binary-release/build-linux.sh
Precomp Pipeline: Fix building on CentOS 7

On CentOS 7 there is no gcc younger than 4.9. But that is needed for Rakudo 2023.05 and later, which contains a libuv that depends on c11 atomics.
rakudo/main: 1de53a4b5f | (Patrick Böker)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | tools/build/binary-release/build-linux.sh
Merge pull request #5285 from patrickbkr/precomp-fixups

Precomp Pipeline: Fix building on CentOS 7
Geth nqp/main: e23deb7f3c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM for Windows build fixes
rakudo/main: 17aeea514c | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP for Windows build fixes

Geth rakudo/main: 5ec81cad35 | (Nick Logan)++ | src/core.c/CompUnit/Repository/FileSystem.pm6
Consider META6.json contents when calculating CURFS id

Currently when the contents of META6.json change, precompilation may not reoccur and thus a stale $?DISTRIBUTION may be getting used. This takes the contents of the META6.json into consideration when checksumming for differences, which should avoid such a situation.
rakudo/main: 3f12927c0c | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.c/CompUnit/Repository/FileSystem.pm6
Merge pull request #5283 from rakudo/ugexe/curfs-sha1-meta6

Consider META6.json contents when calculating CURFS id
ugexe Do we have a way to get all the info from a stat call? DIR-RECURSE stats the same path like 3 times in one method just to get 3 different subsets of stat info 22:43
and that method is called once per path it encounters 22:44
Geth rakudo/main: 489cb32872 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: rename "type" to "typer"

For future consistency
rakudo/main: 4dd4933919 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
RakuAST: add highlighting support to deparsing

Basically, the RakuAST::Deparse.hsyn method is being called on all elements that could potentially need highlighting. By default, this method is a no-op (and can be found as such in the new lib/RakUAST/Deparse/Highlight/CORE.rakumod file, which also contains a list of possible key values). ... (5 more lines)
lizmat ugexe: I vaguely remember looking into that years ago, and came to the conclusion that that's a no :-( 22:48
would be glad to be proven wrong!
ugexe Theoretically though I think it should be possible
I think mosrvm just doesn’t expose it 22:49