🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
ab5tract I wonder if there is some sort of prize available for such intrepid code as can trigger buffer overflows on the JVM 00:00
furthermore, is this an underlying JVM change that made otherwise excellent NQP code fail 00:01
Or is this an underlying JVM change that surfaced an ugly truth in the NQP implementation 00:02
Tune in next week on ONLY THE KEPT PROMISE WILL EVER KNOW (tm) 00:03
MasterDuke jdv++ 00:51
timo: amazing find on that jvm stuff. i was trying to make the jvm backend's runNFA faster by porting old moarvm optimizations, but that blows everything i was trying out of the water 00:52
ab5tract, patrickb: i think the best long-term direction for the jvm backend is the truffle work pmurias started. it was showing *great* promise, but i didn't understand it well enough to continue it myself when he didn't have the time 00:54
but i think it could give moarvm a run for its money, and enable near-seamless use of other languages libraries/modules/packages 00:55
Geth rakudo/main: e1a77dc34d | (Daniel Green)++ | 3 files
Use binding for all sub aliases

Using assignment doesn't cause a segfault if you multi the alias name anymore (what 998a1ef fixed in the past), but might as well make them all consistent.
rakudo/main: 361cf23106 | MasterDuke17++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 3 files
Merge pull request #5631 from MasterDuke17/use_binding_for_all_aliases

Use binding for all sub aliases
nine ab5tract: still looks good 08:00
Geth nqp/main: 63731d9083 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM for latest MasterDuke++ tweaks
rakudo/main: bd85145ee8 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP for latest MasterDuke++ MoarVM tweaks
Geth ¦ rakudo: lizmat self-assigned [rakuast-highlight] problems with =finish github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5633 11:04
rakudo/main: c2c8d7a013 | ab5tract++ | 14 files
[6.e] Provide `is revision-gated("6.x")` trait

This trait is primarily intended for allowing multi candidates to be considered for dispatch only when the caller's compiler version is above a certain revision.
By applying the trait to the proto at its minimum compatible ... (15 more lines)
rakudo/main: 778c7a63d2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: last statement in ::CompUnit is not in sink context

because there's nothing to sink to. This effectively ensures that the last statement in a ::CompUnit will have a closing semi-colon.
patrickb Master Duke: I agree that Truffle is the strategically best way forward for the JVM backend. Still I believe that Inline ::* is the better option for integrating different ecosystems. I think language ports to other VMs will always suffer from subtle incompatibilities. Inline::* sidesteps that issue entirely. 14:04
Also I've never seen stuff similar to I::* in any other language. I::P5 is simply amazing. 14:08
ab5tract I do wonder about how tricky it will be to hook into the JVM using NativeCall. There are a few missing pieces in current NativeCall that make it even straightforward libraries like raylib tricky to fully wrap. 15:35
I don’t intend to be discouraging in any way, I think Inline::Java would be an incredible thing to see 15:36
[Coke] Is there a guide on implementing an Inline other than "Read ::P5"? 15:40
I also think .NET would get us some converts as well.
(and might be easier than nqp.NET) 15:41
ab5tract [Coke]: it's definitely the reference implementation by which everything else must be built 16:34
as it more or less defines the expectations of an Inline:: module 16:35
so, that is to say, no there is no such guide
Geth rakudo/main: 46d219b4c0 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/vm/moar/ops/perl6_ops.c
spell out MVMROOT macro for now for compatibility

Moar just changed the macro definition, with this change we don't need to tiptoe around required revisions and bumpings and such.
lizmat timo: a simple recompile yields a broken raku installation, at least for me 18:06
lizmat nukes the install dir 18:07
and runs Configure again
timo uhhhh ok let me see 18:09
how broken exactly is it? 18:10
lizmat % raku
zsh: killed raku
timo i can "make test" just fine
Geth rakudo/main: e94758306b | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/vm/moar/ops/perl6_ops.c
Fix copy-pasto from previous commit
timo sorry for the noise
thanks for catching it so quickly
lizmat % raku 18:19
zsh: killed raku
lizmat nukes install again
timo any chance you could get me a stack trace? 18:21
lizmat alas, no
timo can you "lldb raku" then "run" or something?
lizmat I've gotten so used to crashes after rebuilding core setting, that I don't spend any time on it anymore, I just nuke everything 18:22
I think you should be able to reproduced by checking out 778c7a63d2
linkable6 (2024-08-30) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/778c7a63d2 RakuAST: last statement in ::CompUnit is not in sink context
lizmat then build from there (with Configure.pl) 18:23
then advance to 46d219b4c0
linkable6 (2024-08-30) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/46d219b4c0 spell out MVMROOT macro for now for compatibility
lizmat and run "make install"
timo ok, i'm using --gen-moar and currently building nqp 18:25
by "build from there" you also mean "make" right?
lizmat perl Configure.pl --gen-moar --make-install; actually 18:26
timo ok 18:27
well, 46d219b4c0 was wrong and e94758306b should be fixed compared to that 18:28
linkable6 (2024-08-30) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/46d219b4c0 spell out MVMROOT macro for now for compatibility
(2024-08-30) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/e94758306b Fix copy-pasto from previous commit
timo i followed the steps you gave me and am currently running "make spectest" and getting lots of "ok" 18:32
lizmat ok, how is "raku" in your path ?
timo ./install/bin/raku -e 'say "hi"'; that lies under /tmp/tmp.suz2KelKdL/rakudo/ 18:33
lizmat ok, how is "raku" in your PATH :-)
timo that's from ~/raku/prefix/bin/raku and it's also happy 18:34
lizmat I don't have a ~/raku ? 18:35
timo yeah that's mine
i made a clean clone of raku, nqp, and moarvm under /tmp/blah and used Configure.pl --gen-moar there
to make sure that even if my ~/raku/ stuff has any changes you don't have, it doesn't cause trouble wtih reproducing the crash 18:36
lizmat /Users/liz/Github/rakudo/install/bin is in my path 18:37
timo my $PATH raku has Rakudo™ v2024.08-6-g778c7a63d / MoarVM version 2024.08-6-gf2dcdcae0. and my freshly made raku has Rakudo™ v2024.08-6-g778c7a63d / MoarVM version 2024.08-5-g2b5dcaee9.
lizmat well, then I give up :-(
timo but you can build a raku that runs after cleaning your install from the newest rakudo commit? 18:38
rakudo's CI is happy with the latest commit, including the macos job
lizmat yeah, that's my point: that's why I nuke install and build from scratch, just like CI does 18:39
timo oh
one of these days i need to come visit you again maybe we can figure it out when sitting at the same table 18:40
lizmat sounds like a plan to me :-)
it is mightily annoying to the point I've all but automated installing zef and all the modules that I need, so that it only takes 2 minutes or so and no interventionn 18:41
timo right
ab5tract I recently discovered that rakubrew can point the shim towards a local checkout 18:54
The only caveat is that I need to incorporate make install into my ‘make-rakudo’ shell function (which I still haven’t done, but easy enough)
Geth rakudo/raku-ast-compiler-shorter-LTM: 81d43af66e | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/build/raku-ast-compiler.nqp
drastically speed up raku-ast-compiler.nqp

Terminating the LTM immediately after opening paren, bracket, or brace prevents the NFA from running all the way to the end of the file whenever it encounters an nqp-code token. This makes nqp-m finish the raku-ast-compiler in 4 seconds instead of 1600, and moar is a bit faster, too (but already plenty fast)
rakudo: timo++ created pull request #5635:
drastically speed up raku-ast-compiler.nqp
timo the push was just a rebase on latest main. now there's a pull request to go with it
coolroot is now merged inside moarvm \o/ 19:13
Geth nqp/main: c450b5b96d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM for Timo's MVMROOT changes
rakudo/main: 23da1ce118 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump Nqp for Timo's MoarVM MVMROOT changes
lizmat hmmmm make test / spectest are ok 19:36
but now the REA harvester is broken
% raku -e 'use Ecosystem::Archive::Update' 19:37
zsh: segmentation fault raku -e 'use Ecosystem::Archive::Update
gist.github.com/lizmat/afa393276e2...d88c0512ef 19:39
ab5tract We do kind of need blin-as-a-service, eh? 19:44
not an automated CI/CD, but a big red button to press once and a while
lizmat if you mean jdv ? 19:48
looks like the zef installation problem was caused by a borked Staging module, fixed now 19:49
ab5tract lizmat: no, I do not mean jdv should be considered blin-as-a-service :) 19:57
I'm saying that it was two and a half pains in the butt to get blin running on my laptop
It would be infinitely better to have the option to, for example, kick off a blin run based on the new MVMROOT changes 19:58
that "anyone" could initiate, with ease and minimal fuss
that way we might get additional data points on what is broken and how 19:59
lizmat sadly, I don't know of such a button :-(
ab5tract there's got to be some kind of at-will pipeline option in github 20:02
I'll look into it
It would be interesting just to find out what it costs to do a blin on azure 20:03
patrickb ab5tract: Re raylib vs NativeCall, that's just because moar currently doesn't accept externally spawned threads. Incidentally fixing that is also on my to-do list (though way above) :-D 20:06
If it interests someone, I have my to-do list on the webs: boekernet.de/~patrick/finger.txt 20:08
[Coke] (blin on azure) I could give that a shot. I had been using azure to test some windows stuff ocassionally, but setting up a linux vm for blin should be triviail) 20:10
ab5tract [Coke]: that would be awesome 20:12
I'd even cover the costs of running it, assuming we can put a cap on it to ensure that we never go above $x/month 20:13
patrickb: ah, yeah there is that part indeed! For some reason I recall there being another really annoying thing to try and work around that was more API related, but I admit at the moment it completely escapes me 20:14
patrickb Non pointer structs is impossible to do ATM iirc 20:15
ab5tract that's a big one, yeah
ISTR nine had some ideas for a big NativeCall refresh that would cover that and some other issues 20:16
one step at a time, I guess :)
I wonder what macros might add to the binding story, if anything
[Coke] is ubuntu a reasonable choice for blin? 20:18
(any 64bit linux, seems)
ab5tract one second, let me see what I was using locally
[Coke] Apparently I was using debian/bookworm-slim as an image 20:19
which indicates that ubuntu would indeed be a fine fit
patrickb: `my $image = image-text('*', 32, $white);` <--- snowfall simulator is stuck in ASCII 20:20
I couldn't get the cascade of function calls required to use unicode to work correctly. I have a feeling that it's the struct issue you mentioned.. 20:21
[Coke] The estimated cost isn't worth complaining about at this point, let me see if I can get something started. 20:23
ab5tract [Coke]: awesome! 20:26
patrickb: it is indeed... the Font struct does not seemed to be referenced via pointer in raylib 20:27
curse me and my lack of knowledge in this domain.. I would love to be able to fix this
[Coke]: regarding cost, I believe blin took something like 8-12 hours on (a docker image) on my M2 20:28
but let's see how it goes 20:29
[Coke] I couldn't get it to even run on docker on my m2. :) 20:30
patrickb ab5tract: Can't do everything at once. One thing after the other. I for one will work on the debugger for the next few months at least. Then the next thing. :-)
ab5tract patrickb: I hear that indeed 20:31
patrickb On that note, I'm still searching for a good name. ladybug is sadly taken.
ab5tract which is why I'm bemoaning my lack of ABI skillz :)
[Coke] installing build tools but heading afk for a bit. Keeping pinging me, I'll get it setup.
ab5tract [Coke]: regarding that, github.com/ab5tract/Blin/commit/d9...3627458a4b
[Coke] ... ok, on to building rakudo 20:32
patrickb Currently I'm pondering "rad" the RAku Debugger. Unsure if that word is too overloaded already though.
ab5tract [Coke]: the most relevant non-arm64 thing in there is the `single-revision` stuff: this is more or a less a must-have for the concept of the Big Red Blin Button 20:33
patrickb: I knew a Radmila once, and she was a lovely person. Always thought it was a cool name too 20:34
(re: single-revision -- it allows you to specify a commit that isn't necessarily merged yet) 20:35
&sleep \o 20:40