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[Coke] up to 81.1% :P 13:19
49 hours, 82.6% 15:00
Sorry, I realize no one wants this level of detail. :) 15:01
timo salsa.debian.org/perl6-team/moarvm...requests/4 i have this merge request that is clean except for a thing that is allowed to fail. i wonder what i need to do before i should bring it up to Dominique 15:02
huh it says that lintian is unhappy about the changelog format but i thought i fixed it tho 15:04
ah, got it 15:05
[Coke] I made it to salsa.debian.org/timotimo-guest/mo...est_report but not seeing where the actual errors are. 15:07
timo you click on "lintian", then for the moarvm and moarvm-dev categories there's a "view details" button on the right 15:09
but the "failed jobs" tab near the top also has a snippet of build log output
oh but that's unrelated
[Coke] pre-existing condition? 15:11
oh, no, it *was* you. :) 15:12
timo the moar package wasn't yet carefully set up to make cross-compilation possible, that's what the "allowed to fail" job is about
the lintian errors are from my hand-writing the changelog entry with its date missing the seconds 15:13
hm, no nmu in changelog, and source nmu has wrong version 15:16
that's for when a non-maintainer makes a change, which i guess i am until i am put into the right file, and it's supposed to get a -nmu1 in that case 15:17
[Coke] glad you were able to hit the ground running on this today! 15:20
timo i'm not exactly sure if we're actually compiling with the flags that caused the error from the original bug 15:28
To build with GCC 14, either set CC=gcc-14 CXX=g++-14 explicitly, 15:30
or install the gcc, g++, gfortran, ... packages from experimental.
apt-get -t=experimental install g++
^- i guess i have to do that
ok i think i'm confused 15:53
[Coke] you got the tests to pass, anyway. 15:58
ah. some of the processes that are on for like 25 hours at this point appear to be hung tests on this blin run. 16:00
Wonder if that's why it slowed down. Guessing we should set a generous timeout "if your tests don't complete in 30m, mark it and move on." 16:01
timo ok, so i think i was applying the fix to the wrong version 16:02
the more i look at what i did the wronger it looks 16:07
[Coke] heh 16:09
it seemed so reasonable. :)
timo maybe i'm actually doing it half-correct. i just also need to start a new branch on top of the debian/2022.12+dfsg-1 tag where the patch also needs to go 16:11
and i assume i have to transplant the change log entries from timeline-wise newer versions into the changes file, then add a new changelog entry for a lower version at the top 16:13
jdv i only got some hung a few times in the dozens of runs ive down 16:23
[Coke] I just killed anything that was 20+ hours old. 16:24
jdv and i think it was because a large change in rakudo caused essentially a mem leak or something with a dist...
good times
timo i forgot to put the patch in the patches/series file haha 16:28
i guess i made that much more of an ordeal than it had to be 17:03
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[Coke] so is the PR ready for his review at this point (saw the email but wasn't sure if that included everything) 18:10
timo i believe that it is ready 18:24
in order for getting moar off the track to expulsion, the branch mentioned in a comment in the merge request also needs to have someone go in and turn it into a debian package and upload it, is my understanding 18:26
i think we can't just willy-nilly put a much newer version in an older debian release
that's why i'm patching on top of previous releases
getting latest upstream versions of moar, nqp, and rakudo out is a step later on the roadmap. these new versions have to go through maybe experimental before unstable, but definitely from unstable through the natural process of aging into stable and oldstable 18:27
and testing is in between there also
maybe i should verify with Dominique that this is actually accurate 18:29
but for now, a nap
[Tux] Today I upped a openSUSE 15.4 to 15.5. The most smooth upgrade ever! BUT… 18:40
Starting applications that used "advanced" unicode cause all kind of weird crashes! 18:41
I had to manually install libXft-newest from some non-standard repo to make the crashes go away 18:42
why is 15.5's libXft so "old"/incompatible with modern unicode?
I disable *a lot* of repo's off-standard this time in my upgrade to stay as close to standard as possibel 18:43
(another system is now updating from 15.4 to 15.6, I'm afraid to hit the same issue) 18:44
just 6053 packages to go before th next command 18:45
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