ugexe i wonder if it makes sense to break up the CORE dist into multiple dists. then instead of dynamically creating the provides for the CORE dist it just installs some MoarMV::Utils distribution that contains those same modules (but only on moarvm) 02:39
with the ultimately goal being easier version / dual-life handling of NativeCall 02:40
Geth rakudo: 9c7b55612d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Reduce chance of flapping inline tests under load
Geth nqp/new-disp: 19 commits pushed by (Jonathan Worthington)++
rakudo/new-disp: 18 commits pushed by (Jonathan Worthington)++
[Tux] Rakudo v2020.12-86-g9c7b55612 (v6.d) on MoarVM 2020.12-88-g5173b3dc0
csv-ip5xs0.830 - 0.835
csv-ip5xs-207.901 - 9.075
csv-parser26.767 - 26.979
csv-test-xs-200.400 - 0.404
test8.076 - 8.199
test-t1.893 - 2.196
test-t --race0.889 - 0.962
test-t-2030.294 - 31.033
test-t-20 --race9.020 - 9.269
gfldex Does Rakudo keep a complete list of type objects around? 20:03
nine no 20:07
AlexDaniel` > The server is being updated now. There might be a small interruption for IRC logger and the website. 20:42
that's the irclogger, not related to whateverable or any of our services
AlexDaniel` if you see any issues, let feb know on #irclogger 20:55