Geth star: 9b80029398 | (Patrick Spek)++ | etc/modules.txt
Update Zef to 0.11.2
Geth rakudo: d94d07e6bb | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/09-moar/12-inline-arithmetic.t
Add inlining tests for arithmetic operators
lizmat Geth is back! :-)
nine \o/ 11:33
Geth rakudo: 0536d039fc | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Add inlining tests for integer comparators
rakudo: a3c7d00d84 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | t/09-moar/14-inline-comparators-str.t
Add inlining tests for string comparators
timotimo geth who's back, geth who's back, geth who's back, geth who's back, geth who's back, geth who's back, geth who's back, na na na na 12:02
lizmat hey hey! 12:05
Geth nqp: f545e65e3b | (Ben Davies)++ | src/how/Archetypes.nqp
Delete lost whitespace in src/how/Archetypes.nqp
nqp: 26863d5df8 | (Ben Davies)++ | src/how/Archetypes.nqp
Stub some Archetypes methods expected by Rakudo

Exceptions can come about from these being missing at times. No need for attributes; we don't have these luxuries here.
nqp: 8a824ad293 | niner++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/how/Archetypes.nqp
Merge pull request #694 from Kaiepi/archetypes-stubs

Stub some Archetypes methods expected by Rakudo
[Coke] timotimo: thanks for getting *that* stuck in my head. 15:26
timotimo [Coke]: i've created a monster? 16:00
lizmat notable6: weekly 17:31
notable6 lizmat, 3 notes:
lizmat notable6: weekly reset 17:36
notable6 lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2021-01-25T17:36:54Z”
lizmat and another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 18:38