Geth nqp/new-disp: ef94a500ae | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | t/moar/53-dispatch.t
Basic tests for dispatch resume init state

Only covering the record phase and the case where the resume init state is the exact argument capture.
Geth roast: ea9424bd2e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S32-str/substr-rw.t
Fix faulty container tests

  \ is *not* used to create a reference, it creates a Capture. Which
clearly was not the intent of further tests. Which is why they were not succeeding. Changed to use binding instead.
Looks like these tests were made/adapted in June 2015, so most likely these are fossils.
Allows untodoing a few tests now. Great!
roast: c493de4df4 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | S32-str/substr-rw.t
Fix some more container check tests in substr-rw
rakudo: 8f6c7fe7cf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Give QuantHash/Capture a proper .item method

Fixes #1862. Kudos to Ralph Mellor for mentioning this.
Following jnthn's comment then:
   If something decides that it's going to implement .iterator
   without making itself Iterable, then it's on that type to also
   implement method item, I'd say
Geth roast: 0f7c370e6d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 6 files
Add tests for #1862 for QuantHashes
MasterDuke lizmat: you're assigning to .item? 13:07
lizmat if it's not an item that will fail ?
MasterDuke ah 13:09
lizmat I'm not sure how otherwise to test for containership, without using nqp ? 13:12
MasterDuke at first glance it just looked like the classic = vs == typo 13:24
lizmat hmmm... I guess $a.VAR.^name would be a better test 13:32
m: my $a = 42; dd $a.VAR.^name
evalable6 "Scalar"
lizmat m: my $a := 42; dd $a.VAR.^name
evalable6 "Int"
lizmat PSA: looks like Geth cannot reach Freenode atm 14:01
tyil timotimo: o/ 14:45
timotimo \o 16:00
lizmat m: say "hello" 16:38
evalable6 hello
lizmat hmmm. looks like we lost camelia as well ?
moritz Jan 25 20:07:06 camelia bash[10128]: Lost connection to server 17:03
usually it re-acquires that connection
I've restarted the bot; let's hope it makes a difference
lizmat perhaps it has the same issue as Geth ? 17:33
moritz ^^
not being able to set up a secure connection
moritz no idea, there's nothing in the logs :-( 19:11
tyil lizmat: not able to set up a connection at all :( 19:51
nc works fine, but through IRC::Client it seems to time out 19:52
tyil \o/ 19:57
I tried to connect to freenode using just an IP, instead of letting DNS decide which IP would be used
and this connected instantly 19:58
nine wb Geth!
tyil moritz: ^ maybe useful info
I used
moritz thanks tyil 21:18
[Coke] should we ping mst and see if someone bad is in the dns round robin? (assuming that's the issue?) 21:29
Geth rakudo: e6c0b5e919 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/DateTime.pm6
Make DateTime.truncated-to a lot faster

  - upto 2x as fast for truncating to week
  - upto 5.5x as fast for truncating on second
  - upto 19x as fast for truncating on other units
rakudo: c9ac5d90de | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Make Date.truncated-to a lot faster

  - upto 1.6x as fast for truncating to week
  - upto 15x as fast for truncating to month
  - upto 10x as fast for truncating to year
Also remove now unneeded !truncate-ymd method.
lizmat tyil++ 21:33
moritz: could it be that camelia is suffering from the same issue: aka, DNS issues on, by IP seems to work: 21:34
moritz lizmat: I just put that into my /etc/hosts, and it doesn't seem like it makes camelia connect again :-( 21:59
lizmat weird
so maybe the issue is with some module 22:00
so putting it in /etc/hosts is not going to make a difference?
perhaps using the IP number in the code doing the connect ?
Geth nqp/new-disp: 9a65724d56 | (Jonathan Worthington)++ | t/moar/53-dispatch.t
Test to cover conditional resumption

Which, concretely, covers the case where the resumption is against a dispatch program that was previously recorded.
tyil .tell timotimo the bots are now being hosted on, I added your ssh key from once connected, running `botscreen` should allow you to attach to the tmux session with the bots 23:05
tellable6 tyil, I'll pass your message to timotimo