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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
timo JIT isn't supported on riscv64-linux-thread-multi yet. 00:52
ab5tract Is it supported now on aarch64? 05:20
ab5tract MasterDuke: thank you for remind me about pmurias++ truffle work. It seems to have gotten quite a ways before he stopped 06:07
tellable6 ab5tract, I'll pass your message to MasterDuke
ab5tract *reminding 06:08
Geth rakudo/main: 38fa6c4821 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 4 files
RakuAST: fix various deparsing and highlighting issues

This was mostly about making the use of whitespace more consistent, and more esthetically pleasing.
   =begin pod
... (12 more lines)
[Coke] ARGH. I didn't run it in tmux this time, because when it failed before, it took out the tmux session anyway. Come back to laptop this morning to find that *iterm* had crashed on my mac. 12:21
Will bump up VM specs again before rerunning again.
... huh? but somehow it automatically reconnected? 12:22
magic. ⏳ 608 out of 2204 modules processed
timo ab5tract: we only have jit on x86_64 12:46
ab5tract That was my understanding but didn’t know if the move away from the expression JIT changed that fact 12:49
Regardless, I hope you can understand why I might be confused by mentions of supporting riscv64 when aarch64 is missing? :) 12:50
timo yeah it was a little tongue-in-cheek 12:55
actually the expression jit was supposed to be an easier way to get further architectures supported i seem to recall? 12:56
i'd share my riscv64 and ppc64 and ppc32 images for you all to enjoy, but i'm still on a tethered connection with a monthly traffic limit :D 13:02
[Coke] ok, and now later it got disconnected after my laptop has been up the whole time. wtf. 13:15
lizmat perhaps a ping -i 60 might help ? 13:30
[Coke] resizing, will run in tmux again for next run. 13:31
I doubt the OOM will get it this time.
going from 2-4 cores seems to be more than doubling the throughput here. 13:40
I just restarted a few minutes ago, already back up to ⏳ 97 out of 2204 modules processed 13:41
(rerunning against the same commit ID I was testing earlier, it's still testing all the "new" endpoints) 13:42
coleman: any preference for tooling to "run a bunch of commands on a fresh linux box to get it setup properly?" (will make a shell script for now to regen the VM I am doing the blin runs on) 13:45
... er, to be able to get a Blin install on a *fresh* VM, not touching this one. :) 13:47
Geth rakudo/main: a8111db83e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
RakuAST: re-imagine 'use v6' and '=finish' handling

in syntax highlighting. Fixes #5637
[Coke] ⏳ 392 out of 2204 modules processed - sooo much faster. 14:13
coleman [Coke]: start with a raw script. I am a Packer/VM image baker guy, usually. 14:28
install dependencies, take a snapshot of the VM. then the VM is ready to go for tests 14:29
timo if you make a Dockerfile instead of script, you can pull the container image from somewhere and immediately jump in 14:33
do we want to investigate making blin "cumulative" / "resumable"? then we can make a "volume" with the important bits and upload that after some amount of blin is done and then fully destroy the VM instead of just turning it off; does that save any costs? 14:34
[Coke] eh. having a machine setup but turned off is just disk storage (which can add up but isn't too bad) 14:35
I'm up to about 5 bucks so far with all the failed runs across 3 different VMs (including all the setups, installs, builds, and blin runs) 14:36
I think we'd have to decide if we wanted to have multiple blin clients submitting data for the same runs. (rather than making a single blin runner more resilient) 14:38
I think the latter is pretty achievable. (and may already be partially implemented) 14:40
Not sure we have enough blin runners ATM to consider the former. 14:41
coleman feel free to open an issue on Raku/infra for discussion. 14:43
we will need a small controller process to start/stop 14:44
timo blin makes sure to isolate things from each other, right? do you think we can find some clever techniques to save some work there? 15:02
with containers, it's cheap to snapshot and resume with COW and such, so what if we find the most common "prefixes" of flattened lists of dependencies, install them once in a container and stash that away for faster future installations? 15:03
or is blin already clever enough about that?
do we have a full-ecosystem dependency graph already available somewhere to play with? does the meta.json of REA have something like that? 15:04
timo tries git clone --filter=blob:limit=16k --depth=10 git@github.com:raku/REA 15:11
poor github had to spend a lot of time compressing these objects ... and now i get to spend a long time receiving them ... 15:12
nine The Not Invented Here is super strong here 15:13
timo haha 15:18
what, with smoke testing?
are you asking why we are not using the free open build service?
nine That question did indeed cross my mind. I mean, it's only a 12000 machine large cluster that you can use for free that handles the whole dependency graph thing for you to parallelize as much as possible. But I guess you can also try to build all of that yourself and run it on a VM somewhere that will run out of RAM :) 15:19
timo will it be all right to use it extensively like that for "a single project"? 15:20
nine I did ask the openSUSE guys at FOSDEM a few years back whether it'd be ok to use the OBS as CI for Rakudo and build those modules and they were ok with it. 15:21
timo ok cool, so let's look further into that then 15:23
do we have to learn RPM specs? :D
El_Che nine: the opensuse infra has the worst UI I have seen. Ever
nine El_Che: so? 15:24
El_Che (that said, most devops/infra UIs are crap, but the suse was was I next level weird)
El_Che that's why people use VMs and container elsewhere 15:24
that pain is less painful
it's sad, because it's a very generous offer from Suse
nine Most of the time I don't even use the web UI and use the osc command line client instead 15:25
El_Che yeah, it's a steep learning curve 15:26
[Coke] I certainly would rather use someone else's infra to run the tests. I'm guessing "blin as is" is not the right shape for that.
El_Che [Coke]: indeed
[Coke] so my short term is "being able to run blin multiple times a month to reduce last minute surprises for release"
timo El_Che: can it really be worse than github + azure pipelines?
El_Che timo: github pipelines not an option? 15:27
[Coke] I think there are a lot of dials to consider if we re-architect this, including: "Do we really need to do the whole ecosystem or do we need to curate the modules we test?"
El_Che [Coke]: yes, drawings lines will save a lot of work 15:28
timo well, ideally we do the whole ecosystem, i thought that's more than half the point?
El_Che timo: I mean github actions aren't that bad
but again, need to invest enough time in it :/ 15:29
nine I don't see what's so bad about the OBS UI in the first place, so I for sure don't see how it could be any worse than having to click 6 links just to get to the log output on a failed run like with that Azure thing. Puts me off enough so I mostly don't bother.
timo ^- exactly this
El_Che nine: I get Azure is bad.
I am just saying that I tries OBS and ran
maybe someone else will have more affinity with it 15:30
timo i haven't tried OBS yet, and i could certainly use the exercise if i do have to run
El_Che (I have nothing against Suse)
it's clear nine had a better experience with it 15:31
[Coke] thought: per release we can do the whole ecosystem. if we run multiple times per a release cycle, maybe we just do certain canary distros for fast feedback. 15:34
timo or OBS just does the canary distros first and the rest later while we forget it even exists because we don't have to keep an eye on it 15:35
nine Basically what I did with build.opensuse.org/project/show/ho...rakudo-git 15:36
El_Che nine: so you choose on which distros it runs? 15:38
(I see a Fedora repo)
last github 15:39
timo it's not limited to suse, it's cross-distro 15:42
El_Che [Coke]: so where is the smoking repo?
github actions free have a 50 minutes limits for runs
but you can run lots in parallel 15:43
[Coke] El_Che: ?
El_Che [Coke]: the code you run to test the ecosystem
[Coke] El_Che: do you mean github.com/Raku/Blin?
El_Che ah ok, I thought it was replaced
[Coke] it depends on Whateverable (which is the same backend that the bisect bot uses) 15:44
El_Che and what blin command do you run before a release?
[Coke] I think we're talking about the shape of what might replace it.
El_Che [Coke]: yes, sorry, I was confused
[Coke] that's on jdv, but something like "RAKULIB=lib bin/blin.p6" probably has sane defaults for a release run. 15:45
El_Che just looking if something can be run in parallel
[Coke] I'm currently running "time RAKULIB=lib bin/blin.p6 --old=2024.08 --heartbeat=120.0 --new=fd309af89 --nproc-multiplier=1.5"
by default it runs things across all available processors. 15:46
El_Che cpu sucks in most free places, run things in parallel is the trick
[Coke] This does that, but still everything is run on one single machine. 15:47
(it's not farmed out) 15:48
El_Che and you care only about 1 OS 15:50
so "install of the modules with this commit of rakudo (and create a report)" 15:51
sorry for the basic questions, just trying to understand what the requirements are
[Coke]_ yay, network blip here, and everything survived. 15:56
[Coke] (except my nick) 15:57
afk for a bit 15:58
jdv wuts on me now? 16:06
coleman We appreciate you, jdv 16:50
timo jdv: i think just how exactly you run blin before a release 16:51
jdv is that not my job as the release automaton? 16:53
timo i wonder if it's an oversight that we only have byte-to-str and str-to-byte encoders/decoders and nothing like "filters" where you would put stuff like compression or maybe even encryption 16:56
for example with zstd, I can use the READ and WRITE and EOF methods of IO::Handle when deriving, then I'll have a handle that "wraps" or "connects to" another handle 16:57
if we had something like filters, or a way to combine multiple encoder/decoder/filter things in a row then a handle could just switch its encoding over to "utf8 inside zstd" 16:58
as it stands, i can implement "zstd and utf8" as one encoder / decoder and slot that into a Handle, though, including of course sockets 17:00
because zstd is byte-to-byte and utf8 is byte-to-str or str-to-byte, and the interfaces for encoder and decoder do byte-to-str and str-to-byte
ab5tract timo: that sounds really cool 17:39
Would such filters be a reasonable place to hang protobuf or AVRO encoders? 17:43
timo hm, not so sure about protobuf, since that's more of an "object graph" kind of output 17:46
i haven't looked at avro at all yet
ab5tract AVRO is similar, you define the types of values to be found in different places in an object 17:49
I’m quite sleep deprived so don’t mind me if I’m way off base :)
timo yeah, something that outputs structured data is not quite as close a fit 17:50
another thing about encode streams and decode strings is feeding some amount of bytes/graphemes in at one end and getting as much as possible out at the other end 17:51
with utf8 you may need to supply more bytes before a codepoint is finished, and you may need to supply enough bytes for more codepoints if there's combiners (or the possibility of combiners) 17:52
timo who wants to see jitted function names in kcachegrind raise your hands up 18:04
[Coke] ok, new record. new feature request: estimated completion time shown during the heartbeat. (x/y done, taken z minutes so far...) 19:01
[Coke] (new *progress* record, I meant to include) 19:24
I am only 1/3 through and am already in the Sm's.
timo SMH my head 19:56
nine o/ 20:23