01:30 nine left, nine joined 05:03 [Coke] left 05:06 [Coke] joined
releasable6 Next release in ≈2 days and ≈11 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 07:00
07:46 sena_kun joined
ab5tract github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/440 08:37
timo i think to make all of this make sense, what we really need to do is allow abritrarily deeply nested protos 09:10
09:10 finanalyst joined
timo so that you can have as many "multi proto" as you need, and to constrain the protos themselves you can have a proto proto 09:11
and when that doesn't suffice, just have a few multi proto proto, with optionally a proto proto proto to guide them
then i think i want to build somethig i'd call The Proto Compiler which turns your entire program into one arbitrarily deeply nested and branched proto^n 09:12
every program will then just be a single multi dispatch call. remarkably simple!
ab5tract 😿 09:25
timo: I can't totally tell whether that's intended as a critique of having protos act as constraints on their candidates or not 09:36
09:40 finanalyst left
timo no just a bit of sillyness 11:01
unicodable6__: 😿
unicodable6__ timo, U+1F63F CRYING CAT FACE [So] (😿)
timo i couldn't tell what that was because it's so small 11:02
i didn't mean to make fun of you, sorry if it came across that way
i can tell why it makes sense for the return value of the proto to be different from the candidates, but the example you cited in the issue is definitely not very convincing 11:04
ab5tract If a proto wants to support arbitrary return values, why specify one in the first place? 11:34
Anyway, if you have 11:35
The tuits to share a more convincing example on the ticket, I think it would definitely help the conversation
timo i'm sure there's good examples out there, but i'm having a hard time coming up with one on the spot 13:05
hm, so the "wrestling-with-dispatch" blog post is kind of about how installing a new proto in a scope is how we handle "a multi candidate only has an effect while it's in lexical scope", right? 13:14
Geth nqp/main: 782c3a0d4c | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | tools/templates/MOAR_REVISION
Bump MoarVM for release testing
rakudo/main: 0b6c7dc69d | (Justin DeVuyst)++ | tools/templates/NQP_REVISION
Bump NQP for release testing
timo oh i think i might have skipped over the interesting bits of that post 13:16
m: multi sub hi(Any $a) { say "Any" }; multi sub hi(Int $a) { say "Inty" }; my $thing; { multi sub hi(Int $a where * > 10) { say "big inty" }; say "from inside"; hi(99); $thing = &hi }; say "from outside"; hi(99); say "thing from outside:"; $thing(99); 13:24
camelia from inside
big inty
from outside
thing from outside:
big inty
lizmat unexpected CI failure: github.com/lizmat/Updown/actions/r...0587852041 13:57
MoarVM panic: Heap corruption detected: pointer 0x5676a04ce48 to past fromspace
not repeatable 14:00
patrickb timo: The comment and reply in that blog post are important to notice. 14:05
jdv weird, the blin proc died. thats not normal. 18:35
might mean a oom or similar:( 18:36
the release may be delayed or aborted... 18:38
timo on linux, you may see the reason for the process quit in the journal or if it's an oom even in dmesg 19:00
if it did a crashing, look if "coredumpctl list" has something recent for you, if that's what's set up on your system 19:01
19:23 sena_kun left
[Coke] jdv: did you update your blin checkout before running? 19:30
either way, you might want to consider reversing that before trying again.
Apologies if it was my blin testing that caused your issue. 19:31
jdv nope, the docker image is unchanged for a while. 19:43
timo the other day i saw fedora-messaging, a publically readable AMQP message broker that shares events from all parts of the fedora infrastructure and beyond, like things happening on github for example; fedora-messaging.readthedocs.io/en...hemas.html has the kinds of events that go on it and each of the sections links to the datagrepper web UI tool where you can look at 20:02
historical data: apps.fedoraproject.org/datagrepper...lta=127800
i thought that's kinda cool
not sure if it really applies to raku or would give much value, especially at first before much is hooked up to it
20:24 finanalyst joined 23:50 finanalyst left