timo d'oh, the file path is still in something somewhere 00:55
[Tux] Rakudo v2024.08-67-g6e182acdb (v6.d) on MoarVM 2024.08-10-gb7750ec26
csv-ip5xs0.265 - 0.271
csv-ip5xs-201.140 - 1.159
csv-parser1.476 - 1.510
csv-test-xs-200.143 - 0.143
test1.879 - 1.908
test-t0.408 - 0.418
test-t --race0.272 - 0.275
test-t-204.896 - 4.942
test-t-20 --race1.225 - 1.260
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4-20.html / tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4.html tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed.log
timo finding some comedy gold in the dump of the core setting. like `my @conversion := <0 1 2 [snip] X Y Z>` resulting in almost 40 wvals in a row, followed by a call to infix:<,> with that amount of arguments :D 07:41
surely we could have turned that into a compile-time constant in the optimizer ...
the QAST we generate for `proto method A(|) {*}` is slightly puzzling to me. i'm sure spesh actually makes it all turn into almost nothing, but it seems wasteful in the context of the setting where a load of onlystar proto methods live 08:39
we grab a param_sp (slurpy all the positionals) and do nothing with it, and we grab a param_sn (slurpy all nameds), then hllize it (even though param_sn creates a slurpy_hash from the current frame's hll), then we decont it, then we typecheck it against Any 08:40
the only thing we do with the result from that is assertparamcheck 08:41
but the optimizer can already statically know that's not necessary, and whatever's spitting out the QAST for an onlystar proto method with just | should also know better i think?
i'm thinking probably something in Perl6::Actions lower_signature is missing something here 08:45
it's already checking for cases like "final slurpy, don't need to do anything more" and "anonymous slurpy needs no handling" in some places nearby
08:47 finanalyst joined
Geth rakudo/main: 2ee68bffd5 | timo++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
Remove $?FILE and $?LINE where they don't make much sense

The filename and line will get set by World if the exception is thrown at BEGIN time, "file" is not a named argument the X::Comp constructor takes ("filename" would be), so this is not a regression. And the filename and line from the core setting is not very helpful, since you also get a stack trace in that case.
10:06 finanalyst left 10:07 sena_kun joined 10:12 sena_kun left
timo m: say "making `proto method asdf(|) {*}` generate less code shrunk core c setting by $(0x1c01610 * 100 / 0x1c08578) percent; $(0x1c01610 - 0x1c08578) bytes difference" 10:46
camelia making `proto method asdf(|) *` generate less code shrunk core c setting by 99.90297437 percent; -28520 bytes difference
timo haha
drop in the ocean :') 10:47
lizmat also, since those protos are bypassed by dispatch, I doubt it will make it run any faster :-) 10:49
ab5tract what! :O 10:50
timo so we could just make them completely empty? :D
ab5tract lizmat: are they bypassed in both old and newdisp? 10:51
lizmat they need to exists to get the candidates though
only in newdisp
afaik 10:52
ab5tract I think you're right
lizmat on initial dispatch, the dispatch program records the candidate that matches the given guards
ab5tract iiuc, a major distinction between the two is that in newdisp the proto is more like a marker that we fetch all the candidates from and then compute the matching candidate(s) 10:54
whereas in olddisp the computation of the appropriate candidate(s) lives in the meta of the proto itself. 10:55
lizmat well, if the protoi is foo(|) {*} 10:56
releasable6 Next release in ≈3 days and ≈7 hours. There are no known blockers. Please log your changes in the ChangeLog: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/wiki/ChangeLog-Draft 11:00
timo lizmat: what do you think of this as a tool to guide optimizations: on every line of the core setting, show which dispatch calls are compiled for that line 11:07
ab5tract m: proto foo(%) { say "ok..."; }; multi foo(@a) { dd :@a }; foo [1,2] # why isn't this a compile time error? 11:09
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter '<anon>'; expected Associative but got Array ([1, 2])
in sub foo at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ab5tract shouldn't all candidates match an explicit proto sig? or maybe I'm totally missing the point of proto
according to the docs, I'm totally missing the point 11:13
lizmat timo: that'd be a nice tool, but wouldn't that make more sense for any piece of Raku code ? 11:18
timo it would. no reason to have it limited 11:19
ab5tract: yeah i think you're right. or maybe it's a DIHWIDT? 11:22
ab5tract it feels like one of those super-ultra-wide specification details that are either a) more confusing to the user than clarifying, b) more painful for the the implementor than any overall gains for user space, or c) both of the above 11:23
Geth rakudo/debugspew_for_lower_signature: 85a07423e3 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
Remove $?FILE and $?LINE where they don't make much sense

The filename and line will get set by World if the exception is thrown at BEGIN time, "file" is not a named argument the X::Comp constructor takes ("filename" would be), so this is not a regression. And the filename and line from the core setting is not very helpful, since you also get a stack trace in that case.
rakudo/debugspew_for_lower_signature: 4d4604ef66 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | src/Perl6/Actions.nqp
add some debug spew code to lower_signature

activated by env var LOWER_SIG_DEBUG, not very refined.
timo oh, it reported the other commit because the pull request was squashed in the github web ui?
ab5tract I'm curious what would happen if we changed that logic and ran a blin run
timo ^- not meant for inclusion, just for anyone looking at the lower_signature code in the future and doesn't want to type out the debug stuff again 11:25
ab5tract timo: yeah, either that or maybe you didn't rebase the branch on HEAD before pushing again
which is probably exactly what you meant by the squashing
timo right. if i rebase and push again there'll be even more spam :D 11:27
so, the annotations data is kind of huge actually 11:35
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/09/23/2024-...with-raku/ 11:58
notable6__: weekly
notable6__ lizmat, 3 notes: 2024-09-17T20:40:09Z <antononcube>: x.com/antononcube/status/1836081920981209089 ; 2024-09-18T17:23:41Z <antononcube>: youtu.be/JHO2Wk1b-Og ; 2024-09-22T15:16:25Z <antononcube>: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOsVTCQZq_s
lizmat notable6__: weekly reset 11:59
notable6__ lizmat, Moved existing notes to “weekly_2024-09-23T11:59:04Z”
timo ok so, out of 76541 annotation entries in the core.c.setting, 75109 times the file name was the same as the previous entry's filename, 22652 times the line number was the same as the previous one, and 30263 times the bytecode offset was the same as the previous one. not exactly sure under what circumstances the bytecode offset would be the same for two consecutive annotations 12:00
the first entry with a bytecode index higher than 0xffff was at 22070 out of 75109, line number and filename string index never went above 0xffff 12:01
m: say "annotation segment is $(76541 * 12) bytes long; $(76541 * 12 * 100 / 0x1c01610)% of the total file size" 12:02
camelia annotation segment is 918492 bytes long; 3.1277634% of the total file size
timo m: say 0xfc9df0 12:05
camelia 16555504
lizmat timo: OOC, are you using raku.land/zef:lizmat/MoarVM::Bytecode for this ?
timo hm, must have made an error somewhere in there
aha! i was wondering where that was 12:06
no, i'm putting that straight into moarvm's code itself
lizmat ack
timo m: say 0xfc9df0 / 12
camelia 1379625.333333
timo haha the size of the annotation segment in the output was calculated from unrelated numbers 12:09
yes this size is so much more reasonable 12:10
m: say "$(0xbae440 * 100 / 0x1c01610) percent of core setting bytes are Frame Data Table" 13:03
camelia 41.70885183 percent of core setting bytes are Frame Data Table
timo i think it's a reasonable goal to reduce the size of that segment to roughly a quarter 13:04
lizmat in memory, or in the file ?
timo in the file 13:05
oh, no, i was looking only at a part of that. quarter is probably too ambitious 13:06
lizmat would that mean more work when loading frame data ?
timo i would hope it would mean less work 14:06
lizmat that would be good :-) 14:07
timo when we open a CU, we go through that entire data linearly, which makes it a good candidate for some kind of compression scheme
variable-width integers would be a good starting point already
once we integrate zstd into moarvm's codebase and make it mandatory, that would also be a possibility
lizmat I hope there'll be a nqp::zstd op as well, to allow MoarVM::Bytecode to continue to work :-) 14:12
[Coke] anyone know who nigel hamilton is in re: TRF? Doesn't look like he's on the board. Just an interested party? 14:18
lizmat interested party afaik 14:19
at least according to the TPRF site 14:21
[Coke] ah, nevermind, his ticket is complaining about something that doesn't exist. 14:27
(or maybe on the website code) 14:31
timo bit fiddling in nqp isn't easy haha 18:11
oooh the rare reproduction of the "Requested synthetic 5 when only 1 have been created." error output ... but on 64bit now! 18:28
18:30 sena_kun joined
timo i somehow managed to use nqp::writeint to write past the end of a buffer, is that a DIHWIDT? is it supposed to be a "careful or you'll corrupt your memory" API? 18:35
nqp: class A is repr("VMArray") is array_type(uint8) { }; my $attempts := 1024; while $attempts-- { my $foo := A.new(); my @a = <foo bar baz quux lol omg wtf bbq>; nqp::writeint($foo, nqp::elems($foo), 0x1234567890, 13); nqp::writeint($foo, nqp::elems($foo), 0xAF, 1); nqp::join(" oh ", @a); }; say "survived"; 18:44
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Assignment ("=") not supported in NQP, use ":=" instead at line 1, near " <foo bar "
at NQP::src/HLL/Grammar.nqp:234 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/nqp/lib/NQPHLL.moarvm:panic)
from <unknown>:1 (/home/ca…
timo nqp: class A is repr("VMArray") is array_type(uint8) { }; my $attempts := 1024; while $attempts-- { my $foo := A.new(); my @a := <foo bar baz quux lol omg wtf bbq>; nqp::writeint($foo, nqp::elems($foo), 0x1234567890, 13); nqp::writeint($foo, nqp::elems($foo), 0xAF, 1); nqp::join(" oh ", @a); }; say "survived";
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Confused at line 1, near "say \"survi"
at NQP::src/HLL/Grammar.nqp:234 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/nqp/lib/NQPHLL.moarvm:panic)
from NQP::src/NQP/Grammar.nqp:148 (/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/n…
timo nqp: class A is repr("VMArray") is array_type(uint8) { }; my $attempts := 1024; while $attempts-- { my $foo := A.new(); my @a := <foo bar baz quux lol omg wtf bbq>; nqp::writeint($foo, nqp::elems($foo), 0x1234567890, 13); nqp::writeint($foo, nqp::elems($foo), 0xAF, 1); nqp::join(" oh ", @a); }; say("survived");
camelia survived
timo not like this obviously :)
d'oh 18:48
yeah that would definitely do it ... 18:49
> /* No need to account for start, set_size_internal will take care of that */ 18:50
comments written moments before disaster
Geth nqp/reproducible_build_improvement: 4 commits pushed by (Timo Paulssen)++, (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ 19:25
jdv i didn't get to doing a blin run today so i'll do it tomrrow 19:26
Geth nqp/reproducible_build_improvement: 75edd1c509 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | tools/build/gen-version.pl
Sort files by name before hashing into source-digest
nqp/reproducible_build_improvement: 91666ab6b1 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
Bring in reproducibility fixes from debian patches
timo tore out changes that turned out not to be correct (but not critical). nine had approved these before, maybe i don't need a full approval before merging this ahead of the release? it can wait, those changes are not critical, only nice-to-have 19:31
19:59 finanalyst joined
patrickb I'd say go ahead. 20:30
timo linkable6: bf7c1d0db168ed3285926f2988938e44f7c32cb4 20:48
i wonder if this is still good
apparently not lol
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/bf...44f7c32cb4 20:50
21:41 sena_kun left 22:58 finanalyst left