lizmat Files=1334, Tests=113514, 236 wallclock secs (30.28 usr 8.71 sys + 3263.88 cusr 319.33 csys = 3622.20 CPU) 08:24
I hope this is a fluke, but it looks like we've lost quite a bit of performance again :-(
Altai-man Let's see csv bench. 08:29
lizmat Altai-man: that's a different benchmark from running tests 08:51
feels more we lost a few msecs at each startup 08:52
Altai-man Indeed. 08:54
Files=1334, Tests=113514, 87 wallclock secs 09:11
Numbers between runs differ a lot here, so cannot confirm. :(
jnthn 87 secs o.O 09:13
[Tux] Rakudo version 2020.07-63-ga84952fb1 - MoarVM version 2020.07-16-g03d3e43fa
csv-ip5xs0.812 - 0.829
csv-ip5xs-208.363 - 8.373
csv-parser26.260 - 28.075
csv-test-xs-200.389 - 0.396
test7.583 - 8.014
test-t1.858 - 1.989
test-t --race0.836 - 0.858
test-t-2031.331 - 32.162
test-t-20 --race9.024 - 9.845
JJMerelo Hey 10:17
tellable6 2020-08-10T22:51:11Z #raku-dev <leont> JJMerelo I'm working on it. Almost done!
leont Heh
[Coke] jjmerelo: I owe you an article, planning to finish it after I get out of $dayjob today 14:25
tellable6 [Coke], I'll pass your message to JJMerelo
[Coke] ... oh, that looked like it just happened, didn't realize it was 4 hours ago. :)
oops. :)
jdv79 the scoping rfc advent thing reminded me - could we add a "no strict" variant of -e for one liner terseness? 14:33
maybe -E?
AlexDaniel` make it truly a language for funky one-liners? :) 14:40
lizmat jdv79 this has been discussed in the past, and decided against 15:43
jdv79 i don't remember but ok 15:48
lizmat $_ is defined and assignable 15:49
jdv79 lizmat: i guess that's good nuf as long as one remembers. when i'm in one liner mode i tend to think in Perl. 19:27