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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
nine flapper? 06:46
ab5tract: t/spec/S29-os/system.t fails very often when the system is under load and there's a recent change on it from you
Geth roast: a83b2d452f | (Stefan Seifert)++ | spectest.data
Remove deleted spectest file from the list of files to run

The spectest was deleted in commit ae6135510104bf036bdca913471f1242bcf13587
nine ab5tract: oh, the missing MVMROOT is still not fixed 06:50
ab5tract nine: is that surprising? I asked whether you were expecting a patch from me or would take care of it yourself and I recall something about needing to wait on it 06:57
nine ab5tract: I also (later) said "if in doubt, an MVMROOT would be preferable" 07:04
pushed the fix
ab5tract That didn’t tag me, so for all I knew it was a continuation of a different conversation. Didn’t mean to leave it hanging. 07:07
nine Well, bug is gone, so all's well that ends well. Let's just hope that system.t is stable now. 07:09
Looking through the IRC log, this test has historically been troublesome
I shouldn't have worried about performance in this particular case anyway. Spawning is a super heavy operation. You ain't gonna do that a million times a second anyway. 07:16
Geth rakudo/main: 1586e96ae3 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 3 files
RakuAST: add dotty:sym<.=>

Fixes $_ = -1; .=abs;
nine So a few hours into debugging a mis-parse that swallows the orelse part of $x orelse .=new andthen .=new: 43 I finally found the culprit 15:10
lizmat andthen? 15:11
nine EXPR-reduce tries to access the operator symbol via nqp::ifnull( nqp::atkey( nqp::atkey($op,'OPER'), 'sym'), '') 15:12
Alas, infixes do not have the common <sym> key anymore.
token infix:sym<after> { <sym> » } became token infix:sym<after> { <.infix-after> » } 15:13
lizmat aha! why did it become that ? 15:14
not localization related, is it ?
nine # These tokens replace bare strings so that they can be localized by mixing in tokens with translated localizations. 15:15
lizmat ah, I read the regex wrong: yes, indeed localization :-( 15:17
so: { $<sym>=<.infix-after> » } instead ? 15:23
nine <sym=.infix-after> works 15:28
lizmat *phew*, so that's overseeable 15:36
Geth rakudo/main: 8 commits pushed by (Stefan Seifert)++ 15:41
nine 1093 15:42
lizmat 1092 for me on MacOS 15:55
Geth rakudo/main: af7acf0c45 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/expressions.rakumod
RakuAST: fix logic error in creating curried expression's signature

Whether we ought to descend into a WhateverCode when renumbering arguments depends on the operator of the outer expression, not the one used by the WhateverCode.
rakudo/main: 081147eeae | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/expressions.rakumod
RakuAST: also thunk code arguments for thunk type t

Operators like xx can also be used to process code objects, e.g. {$_} xx 2 In this case the supplied block has to be thunked. Otherwise the operator will just call the block itself assuming that it's a thunk.
nine 1100!
ab5tract Nice! \o/ 18:57
That curried expression fix looks like it might have been a pain to surface
nine Actually it wasn't that bad. The currying code is quite concise nowadays so there couldn't have been many places where we'd go wrong :) Was harder to find out what (* o (* * 2)(* + 1)(3) actually should do 19:07
lizmat 1099 for me 19:23
Geth rakudo/main: 0b4048f267 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/ast/expressions.rakumod
RakuAST: support using bracketed infixes as list infixes
nine With that it should be 1100 even for you :) And 1101 for people on more reasonable OSes :D 20:20
lizmat nine: indeed: still I wonder which one I'm missing 20:30
these are my 1100: gist.github.com/lizmat/590a2d6dcc6...7261804582 could you tell me which one I'm missing ?
I have a severe case of FOMO :-)
nine Huh....it says it's t/spec/S12-attributes/augment-and-initialization.rakudo.moar 20:34
lizmat when run manually, it passes 20:40
Geth rakudo/main: 1a616bfb13 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/Raku/Grammar.nqp
RakuAST: bring back explanations for Syntax::Confused errors