Xliff Anyone around familiar enough with NativeCall innards who could take a look at R#3840 03:03
linkable6 R#3840 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3840 NativeCall Results not Consistent With C-Equivalent Code
Xliff .j #atom 04:05
JJMerelo Hey 08:16
tellable6 2020-08-03T17:39:53Z #raku <vrurg> JJMerelo I scheduled for today as there seemed nothing scheduled yet. Tell me please if the plan is different.
JJMerelo .tell guifa can you upload your artlcle to the WP site as a draft? Let me schedule it when it's more convenient. 08:17
tellable6 JJMerelo, I'll pass your message to guifa2
JJMerelo .tell taboege can you please upload the article as a draft to the site? We'll schedule it when it's best 08:18
tellable6 JJMerelo, I haven't seen taboege around, did you mean jdoege?
tobs JJMerelo: that's me :)
JJMerelo hey, tobs
Not good at remembering context-specific nicks :-) 08:19
tobs I'll try it right now.
JJMerelo Great, thanks. I'll be around if you need help :-)
.tell ab5tract how's your article for the 20th anniversary going? 08:20
tellable6 JJMerelo, I'll pass your message to ab5tract
tobs JJMerelo: schedule for tomorrow, at which time? 08:36
somehow wp every page load takes 2 minutes here... 08:37
moritz tobs: for 00:01 UTC 08:55
tobs moritz: thanks. 09:16
I scheduled my post. Any double checks of the settings are appreciated.
moritz can't see your post, I'm lacking the super editor/admin privs 09:20
moritz ah no, it seems I can see that on a different page than I was looking 09:21
I see two posts scheduled for the 5th 09:22
tobs In the Everyone tab, I see the number "3" for scheduled posts but the listing only shows mine. 09:28
moritz i.imgur.com/zjI9JsE.png 09:31
this is under rakuadventcalendar.wordpress.com/w...n/edit.php
(might depends on your permissions though)
tobs huh, that I see. I've been looking at another interface. 09:39
moritz wordpress seems to have two generations of admin interface, and the new one sucks 09:40
tobs I see you're editing my post. Feel free to push it wherever it fits (if that is what you're doing).
moritz tobs: no, I just tweaked the categories 09:41
.tell jjmerelo we seem to have two posts scheduled for tomorrow. Please decide and move one around :-) 09:42
tellable6 moritz, I'll pass your message to JJMerelo
lizmat .tell jjmerelo fixed the scheduling 09:53
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to JJMerelo
patrickz .tell timotimo I'd like your opinion on github.com/rakudo/rakudo/pull/3838 You were a bit critical about adding more stuff, but that's what I did. So tell what you think! 23:30
tellable6 patrickz, I'll pass your message to timotimo