🦋 Welcome to Raku! raku.org/ | evalbot usage: 'p6: say 3;' or /msg camelia p6: ... | irclog: colabti.org/irclogger/irclogger_log/raku Set by ChanServ on 14 October 2019. |
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raku-bridge | <stu002> What would be an idiomatic equivalent to a function with generic type parameters in Raku? Something like this (not legal Raku) sub compare(::T \x, ::T \y, --> Bool) {...} | 01:18 | |
<stu002> Maybe using Any arguments and testing the type of y is ~~ that of x? | 01:19 | ||
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guifa | stu002: I’m not sure that there’s a super idiomatic version | 01:57 | |
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guifa | Probably most natural would be | 02:02 | |
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guifa | m: sub compare(::T \x, ::U \y where * ~~ T) { “ok” }; say compare Numeric, Int; say compare Str, “foo”; say compare Int, 2.5 | 02:03 | |
camelia | ok Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter 'y'; expected anonymous constraint to be met but got Rat (2.5) in sub compare at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 ok |
guifa | If you want a better error message you can do | 02:04 | |
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guifa | stu002: this would be a much preferrably signature IMO | 02:12 | |
m: sub compare(::T \x, ::U \y where {U ~~ T || die "{y.^name} must smartmatch successfully against {x.^name} (that is, {y.^name} ~~ {x.^name})" }) { "ok" }; say compare 1, "a" | |||
camelia | Str must smartmatch successfully against Int (that is, Str ~~ Int) in sub compare at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
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raku-bridge | <stu002> @guifa That's very interesting thanks. | 02:26 | |
guifa | Note that it’s no guarantee whether, .e.g, you could coerce between them or even whether they’re compatible | 02:28 | |
Because you’ll grab class info generally, plus mixin. You’d have to do a bit more stuff to figure out if any of the types smart match against any of the other types (but it’s not that hard) | 02:29 | ||
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raku-bridge | <stu002> Would it be possible to have callables like subs "does" some kind of Role? Maybe a generic role could help constraint the types? | 02:47 | |
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guifa2 | I mean, sure. A callable is just something that implements CALL-ME | 03:00 | |
m: my &a = (sub ($a) { $a + $a }) but 5; say 1 + &a | 03:01 | ||
camelia | Cannot resolve caller Numeric(Sub+{<anon|1>}:D: ); none of these signatures match: (Mu:U \v: *%_) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
guifa2 | err | ||
actually, I'm not sure why that didn't work lol | 03:02 | ||
Xliff | o/ | ||
guifa2 | m: my &a = sub ($a) { $a } but False; my &b = sub ($b) { $b } but True; say so &a; say so &b; | 03:03 | |
camelia | False True |
guifa2 | \o | 03:04 | |
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Xliff | Anyone still awake? | 04:48 | |
raku-bridge | <stu002> Middle of the afternoon here | 04:53 | |
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Xliff | \o stu | 05:08 | |
moon-child | is it possible to pass a string as input to a proc? | 05:14 | |
(stdin, that is) | |||
run 'cat', :in("hi\n") doesn't work | |||
rockxloose | :m say "3 hours after noon here."; | 05:19 | |
moon-child | that's m: | 05:20 | |
rockxloose | m: say "3 hours after noon here."; say "Thanks, moon-child."; | 05:21 | |
camelia | 3 hours after noon here. Thanks, moon-child. |
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guifa2 | moon-child: it's not quite like that | 05:43 | |
Try this | 05:44 | ||
Xliff | moon-child: Did you look into Proc::Async? | 05:45 | |
docs.raku.org/type/Proc::Async | |||
See the example involving 'hexdump' | |||
moon-child | yes. I used that for something else, but need sync for this | 05:46 | |
guifa2 | my $cat = run 'cat', :in, :out; my $in-pipe = $cat.in; $in-pipe.say: "Hello World!"; $in-pipe.close; say $cat.out.slurp | ||
evalable6 | Hello World! |
moon-child | figured it out, though | ||
Xliff | Oh. What did you end up with? | ||
guifa2 | you could simplify it to | ||
moon-child | what guifa showed, though without an intermediate variable | ||
guifa2 | my $cat = run 'cat', :in, :out; $cat.in.say: "Hello World!"; $cat.in.close; say $cat.out.slurp | ||
evalable6 | Hello World! |
guifa2 | ha that's probably what they did | 05:47 | |
moon-child | haha, yep | ||
Xliff | Ah. | ||
How would that work with something like /bin/more? | |||
moon-child | probably not very well | 05:48 | |
well, actually more might be ok. Less probably won't, though | |||
guifa2 | you could probably read the output as you're still inputting it | 05:49 | |
you just wouldn't close off input before reading the output pipe. But I dunno, haven't tried it | |||
does anyone remember how to do that ecosystem search thing where you could see if anyone's actually ended up using $obscure-feature ? | |||
Xliff | Um. Greppable? | 05:50 | |
Or wqas that Sourceable? | |||
I can't remember and I know I just used one of those recently. | |||
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guifa2 | I think I've finally managed to fully make DateTime timezone aware | 05:51 | |
Xliff | guifa++ | ||
guifa2 | Problem is it's slightly incompatible with the :timezone parameter (ironically) | ||
Not sure if anyone has ever bothered to use it for anything other than a whole hour interval (maaaaybe a half hour for those weird zones) | |||
Xliff | m: sourceable6: run 'thiscommand', :in, :out | 05:52 | |
camelia | The spawned command 'thiscommand' exited unsuccessfully (exit code: 1, signal: 0) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
Xliff | sourceable6: run 'thiscommand', :in, :out | ||
sourceable6 | Xliff, github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/d4ba...c.pm6#L241 | ||
Xliff | guifa: You mean this ^^ | ||
guifa2 | soueceable: :timezone | 05:54 | |
sourceable6 | guifa2, No idea, boss. Can you give me a Code object? | ||
guifa2 | okay 1- smart | ||
2- boo | |||
Xliff | guida: It might be better to use greppable for that. | ||
guifa2 | greppable6: :timezone | ||
Xliff | sourceable needs something it can run. | ||
greppable6 | guifa2, 75 lines, 20 modules: gist.github.com/ab4ba70f9970eeee6b...f3b85821df | ||
guifa2 | okay, not suuuuuper commonly used | 05:56 | |
and always on hour offset which is good. | |||
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guifa2 | is there a way to detect if another module is used and use it if and only if it's installed? | 06:12 | |
ah yeah | 06:13 | ||
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guifa2 | try require ::('foo') | 06:13 | |
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guifa2 | can I muck with the name of a mixed in creation? | 06:33 | |
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guifa2 | Ah yes. $foo.^set_name | 06:40 | |
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SmokeMachine | m: sub compare(::T \x, T \y) { “ok” }; say compare Numeric, Int; say compare Str, “foo”; say compare Int, 2.5 | 06:59 | |
camelia | ok Type check failed in binding to parameter 'y'; expected Int but got Rat (2.5) in sub compare at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 ok |
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SmokeMachine | stu002: ^^ | 07:28 | |
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guifa2 | SmokeMachine: he asked about smart matching. Works most of the time but it's possible someone overrides the ACCEPTS method to give a different result | 07:34 | |
you know, someone who likes to do evil stuff | |||
guifa2 pretends to not be evil | |||
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SmokeMachine | guifa2: yes, makes sense... :) | 07:37 | |
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raku-bridge | <stu002> SmokeMachine: thanks! | 08:23 | |
<stu002> I'm starting to realize the depth of type-level constructions that are possible in Raku | 08:24 | ||
<stu002> Making types objects opens up all kinds of possibilities. | |||
<stu002> SmokeMachine: is that technique called "type capture"? | 08:31 | ||
SmokeMachine | stu002: sorry, idk | 08:37 | |
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MasterDuke | stu002: i believe so | 08:50 | |
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JJMerelo | .tell tobs it's perfect the time you've already scheduled it. I'll dive it to add categories, tags and some minor editing, if you don't mind. | 10:21 | |
tellable6 | JJMerelo, I'll pass your message to tobs | ||
tobs | JJMerelo: please do | 10:28 | |
JJMerelo | Done already. Very nice article. I like the way you trace it through the Apocalypsis and then talk about modern Unicode heuristics. Love it, really. | 10:29 | |
tellable6 | 2020-08-04T09:42:03Z #raku-dev <moritz> jjmerelo we seem to have two posts scheduled for tomorrow. Please decide and move one around :-) | ||
2020-08-04T09:53:36Z #raku-dev <lizmat> jjmerelo fixed the scheduling | |||
JJMerelo | Thanks, lizmat, moritz | 10:44 | |
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[Coke] | got an article in my rss feed this morning, clicked through, it wasn't there. | 12:20 | |
(the OO one). might have been a reschedule. | |||
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demostanis | guifa2: Would I need to modify HTTP::UserAgent's code just to get a progress bar? | 13:41 | |
tellable6 | 2020-08-03T23:10:39Z #raku <guifa2> demostanis: I don't see anything in HTTP::UserAgent that would give a hook for that | ||
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codesections | How do you access the Pod declarator block for a parameter? | 15:50 | |
For example, consider this code (which needs to be multi-line and thus won't work with camilla) | 15:51 | ||
guifa | .WHY | ||
tellable6 | 2020-08-04T08:17:48Z #raku-dev <JJMerelo> guifa can you upload your artlcle to the WP site as a draft? Let me schedule it when it's more convenient. | ||
codesections | #| Performs the `foo` opperation | ||
sub foo( | |||
$thing #= The thing to `foo` | |||
) {} | 15:52 | ||
&foo.WHY gives me the main declartor block ('Performs the `foo` opperation') | |||
but I'm trying to access the one for the parameter ('The thing to `foo`') | |||
$thing.WHY returns nil from inside the sub | 15:53 | ||
guifa | say &foo.signature.params[0].WHY | ||
codesections | aha, thanks | ||
guifa | One of my next next next projects is to use the declarator blocks to create a reference website | 15:54 | |
but I wanna get the polish on DateTime first | |||
codesections | very cool. I'd be interested in helping out with that, when you get there :) | 15:56 | |
guifa | I think the only major thing I have left with DateTime now besides massive testing is figuring out how to automate generating the TZif files. I’m cheating right now and stealing them from my macOS install hahaha | 16:01 | |
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tbrowder | hi, question on constraining args in a sub's signature. i would like to have the first arg be constrained to one of multiple types. i know i can do that with multis but would like to do something like: sub f($arg where { $_ ~~ Str or $_ ~~ List). | 16:35 | |
thoughts? | |||
*List}) | 16:36 | ||
Altai-man_ | m: sub a($foo where Str|List) {} | 16:37 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
Altai-man_ | m: sub a($foo where Str|List) { say $foo }; a('foo'); a(<a b c>) | 16:38 | |
camelia | foo (a b c) |
Altai-man_ | m: sub a($foo where Str|List) { say $foo }; a('foo'); a(<a b c>); a(42) | ||
camelia | foo Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$foo'; expected anonymous constraint to be met but got Int (42) in sub a at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 (a b c) |
Altai-man_ | tbrowder, ^ | ||
tbrowder | Altai-man_: THANK YOU i tried all combos i could think of. i could not find a good example in the docs (i'll file an issue). | 16:40 | |
Altai-man_ | Rules are the same everywhere, e.g. `subset Foo where Int` or `given 42 { when Int {} }`, not even sure where this can be documented. | 16:45 | |
[Coke] | probably worth a mention in docs.raku.org/type/Signature#Type_constraints | ||
the subset constraint is already there. | 16:46 | ||
Geth_ | ¦ doc: tbrowder self-assigned Need example and words on constraint of an arg in a sub parameter to one of multiple types github.com/Raku/doc/issues/3548 | 16:49 | |
tbrowder | [Coke]: yes, that seems the best to me. there are voluminous but complex examples, and "simple" uses seem to get lost in the crowd. | 16:55 | |
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guifa2 | You can also make a subset if you want to use a simpler signature | 16:57 | |
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guifa2 | subset StrOrList where Str|List; sub foo(StrOrList $bar) { … } | 16:59 | |
codesections | Or, if you want to be more verbose, I guess you could do `subset StrOrList of Cool where Str|List`, right? | 17:05 | |
guifa2 | I mean sure lol. Or of anything else they have in common (I think the default is of Any, but it might be of Mu, I forget) | 17:07 | |
Also nice. My DateTime hacking just under doubles the creation time. Given I literally create an intermediate DateTime, that's not bad at all. | 17:09 | ||
codesections | er, I guess I sounded odd saying "If you want to be more verbose". I was really thinking that the bare `subset` without the `of …` strikes me as semantically odd – it's nominally a subset, but here we're using it to create something that reads more like a *superset* | ||
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codesections | adding `of Any` (/cool/mu/whatever) clarifies that it *is* a subset | 17:10 | |
Xliff | \o | ||
codesections | o/ | ||
Xliff | Is there anyone familiar with the NativeCall guts who could take a look at R#3840 | 17:11 | |
linkable6 | R#3840 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3840 NativeCall Results not Consistent With C-Equivalent Code | ||
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guifa2 | codesections: That's very fair. Admittedly, I think I've used them more as supersets than as subsets in the past ha | 17:11 | |
codesections | :D | 17:12 | |
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tbrowder | guifa2: thnx for hint on trailing decl pod with the sub.signature method. i've only recently looked a non-nqp source to assemble the trailing decl blocks completely, and i haven't looked or thought of that. | 17:13 | |
blinders off! | 17:14 | ||
guifa2 | tbrowder: no problem. As jnthn++ pointed out, Comma now can display that stuff as you're editing which is kind of cool | ||
I'd *really* like it if we could attach the blocks to any random variable though | 17:15 | ||
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guifa2 | When porting the old C code for timezones, I kept going back and forth between making readable/logical names and maintaining consistency with the C code | 17:15 | |
codesections | guifa2: me too. I opened an issue for it a couple of weeks ago, actually github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/3804 | 17:17 | |
guifa2 | because lets face it, anyone in the Raku world would read "tmp" as "temp(orary)". Not "time pointer". If I could say "my $tmp; #= Reference to Time object" and have that appear as a tooltip anywhere the variable were used, it would make code so much cleaner | ||
codesections | I'm pretty sure we *should* be able to write that, under S26 (though there isn't a Roast test for it) | 17:18 | |
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guifa2 | codesections: agreed. POD hasn't had the same level of attention paid as the main Raku code (understandably so) although it's getting better | 17:20 | |
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guifa2 | I think that over the past few months there's been a critical mass of us interested in improving it ithat it'll happen. There's definitely a positive feedback loop too. As it gets better, more people will use it. jnthn mentioned the other day that he really only started using declarator blocks once support was added to Comma. If more people use them because of that support, it'll shift even more attention into how they work | 17:22 | |
codesections | Yeah definitely understandable. But Raku's introspection + self-documentation is *really* cool, so I'm optimistic | 17:23 | |
guifa2 | I know tbrowder and shimmeringfairy are looking into and working on them | ||
codesections | guifa2: yeah agreed re: more people using declarator blocks because of Comma. I have a long-term plan/hope of adding better support for viewing that info in Emacs, which might give another small boost | 17:24 | |
(depending on how many people write Raku in Emacs, of course :) ) | |||
somewhat relatedly: the first of these works to set the `trailing` declarator block, but the second doesn't: | 17:27 | ||
#| Leading doc | |||
sub foo($thing) {} | |||
#| Trailing doc | |||
#| Leading doc | |||
sub foo( | |||
$thing | |||
) {} | |||
#| Trailing doc | |||
is that worth opening an issue for? | |||
guifa2 | Trailing should be #= | ||
codesections | er, right | ||
sorry, that's what I meant. | 17:28 | ||
But the point stands that the multi-line parameter block breaks the trailing | |||
guifa2 | I actually don't like the first one tbh | 17:29 | |
sub foo($think) {} #= blabla | |||
to me that's ambiguous | |||
But if I had to tie break, I'd assign #= to $think, not to foo | |||
sub foo($thing) {} [newline] #= blabla shoud be equivalent, with the same issue | 17:30 | ||
codesections | well, but that's with an empty body for foo. If `foo` has multiple lines, the `#=` after the `}` for foo seems pretty clear | 17:31 | |
imo | |||
Also, the behavior you don't like *does* have a Roast test: github.com/Raku/roast/blob/fea1d16....t#L46-L55 | 17:33 | ||
guifa2 | boo | 17:34 | |
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codesections | Oh! I didn't read that Roast test all the way to the bottom. Now I see «skip 'declaration comments are NYI on variables', 7;» | 17:37 | |
So that's proof that it *is* supposed to be implemented, just Not Yet™ | 17:38 | ||
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guifa2 | Ah perfect, I'd add that as a comment on the rakudo issue | 17:49 | |
SmokeMachine | m: say | 17:53 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Argument to "say" seems to be malformed at <tmp>:1 ------> 3say7⏏5<EOL> Other potential difficulties: Unsupported use of bare "say". In Raku please use: .say if you meant to call it as a method on $_, or u… |
SmokeMachine | m: say "bla" | ||
camelia | bla | ||
SmokeMachine | m: #| Performs the `foo` opperation sub foo( $thing #= The thing to `foo`) {}say &foo.WHY | 17:54 | |
camelia | Performs the `foo` opperation | ||
SmokeMachine | m: #| Performs the `foo` opperation sub foo( $thing #= The thing to `foo`) {}say &foo.WHY; say &foo.signature.params.head.WHY | 17:56 | |
camelia | Performs the `foo` opperation The thing to `foo` |
SmokeMachine | codesections: ^^ | ||
codesections | SmokeMachine: Hm? is that an answer to the question I asked ~2 hours ago? If so, thanks :) (though guifa already provided a similar solution with `&foo.signature.params[0].WHY`) | 18:00 | |
If that's re: something more recent, I'm confused | |||
SmokeMachine | it was for the 2hours ago one, sorry, and it also shows how to run multiline code on camelia | 18:02 | |
codesections | Aha, with you now – thanks! | ||
SmokeMachine | (I haven't seen guifa2 answer, sorry) | 18:03 | |
s/haven't/hadn't/ | |||
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codesections | np, good to get confirmation – apparently, great minds think alike :D | 18:03 | |
m: my $a = 42; say $a; | 18:06 | ||
camelia | 42 | ||
codesections | And *that's* good to know :) | 18:07 | |
m: my $a = 42; | 18:09 | ||
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
codesections | hmm, I would have expected ^J to input a . SmokeMachine, did you input  as unicode U2424, or is there an easier way for when using Camelia? | 18:12 | |
moritz | camelia turns newlines in the output into  and vice versa in its input | 18:13 | |
SmokeMachine | codesections: I usually copy it and past when needed | ||
*paste | |||
codesections | moritz: Hmm, interesting. I guess I have a WeeChat issue then – when I paste text with a newline, I send multiple messages | 18:14 | |
not one with internal newlines | |||
I should get around to switching to ERC – then the ways I enter unicode when coding would work fine here | 18:15 | ||
or add more entries to my Compose list, I guess | 18:16 | ||
tobs | that's what I do | ||
codesections | Which one? | ||
moritz | I don't think IRC as a protocol supports messages with embedded newlines | ||
codesections | haha, that may be the case. So I guess I *do* need a way to enter  | 18:17 | |
tobs | codesections: add things to my compose list. I never even started getting used to ^V unicode input in vim and the compose key works in many places. | 18:18 | |
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codesections | Yeah, that's what I should do. tobs, you don't happen to have made your compose file somewhere public/feel like sharing it, do you? | 18:28 | |
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demostanis | Why can't signal() take a Junction? signal(SIGINT|SIGHUP) won't work, I must use signal(SIGINT).merge: signal(SIGHUP) | 18:33 | |
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tobs | codesections: I haven't but 98% of it are from github.com/kragen/xcompose/blob/ma...otXCompose :) | 18:33 | |
codesections | tobs thanks :) | 18:34 | |
demostanis | Nevermind, that was a dumb question, I can use an array | 18:38 | |
guifa2 | new module (still super early tho) | 18:39 | |
weekly: github.com/alabamenhu/DateTimeTimezones | |||
notable6 | guifa2, Noted! (weekly) | ||
guifa2 | lizmat: I'll get it added to ecosystem by the end of the week I promise haha | ||
lizmat | ++guifa2 | 18:41 | |
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guifa2 | Is there a way to specify a minimum version for module loading? | 18:44 | |
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codesections | (demostanis: I know you found a solution, and this is probably something you already know, but just to answer the "why" part of the question for my own benefit: because `signal` is a sub (or, rather, a multi) and its signature doesn't accept a Junction | 18:45 | |
m: say &signal.candidates.map({.signature}) | 18:46 | ||
camelia | ((*@signals, :$scheduler = Code.new)) | ||
SmokeMachine | codesections: but than it should run twice in parallel... | ||
codesections | good point … | 18:47 | |
hmm | |||
SmokeMachine | m: sub bla(Int $a) { say "[$a]" }; bla 1|2|3|4 | ||
camelia | [1] [2] [3] [4] |
SmokeMachine | and return a new junction | 18:48 | |
m: sub bla(Int $a) { say "[$a]" }; say bla 1|2|3|4 | |||
camelia | [1] [2] [3] [4] any(True, True, True, True) |
guifa2 | Junctions are strange beasts ha | ||
tobs | that is what happens, but running it twice and getting the supplies back into a junction is not useful for signal() | 18:49 | |
codesections | aha, so it would normally work, but in this case would "work" by returning something useless. So the src has this line: | 18:51 | |
tobs | signal registers a signal handler, it can't make use of this superposition gibberish that "may be SIGINT or SIGHUP or anything in between at any time" | ||
codesections | if @signals.grep( { !nqp::istype($_,Signal) } ) -> @invalid { |, Found invalid signals: SIGHUP | ||
die "Found invalid signals: @invalid.join(', ')" | in block <unit> at <unknown file> line 1 | |||
} | |||
tobs | since you can't get the components out of a junction in Raku, array is the correct concept for passing multiple signals to catch | 18:52 | |
codesections | Ok, thanks, I understand much better now. (Great example of Cunningham's Law in action!) | 18:55 | |
demostanis | Isn't this module very very very vulnerable? modules.raku.org/dist/Sparrowdo::R...teFile.pm6 | 18:56 | |
tasks(location => "; echo "vulnerable" #") | 18:57 | ||
s/"vulnerable"/'vulnerable'/ | |||
If a program takes user input and passes it as location's value | 19:05 | ||
tbrowder | another question about our Remarkable Raku language: could one somehow use a Capture to define alias names for a subroutine instead of repeating multi subs with? | 19:09 | |
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tobs | m: multi sub f (Int $x) { "inty" }; multi sub f (Str $x) { "stringy" }; multi sub g (|c) { f |c }; say g(10); say g("x") # tbrowder: like this? | 19:13 | |
camelia | inty stringy |
tobs | in that case you can also just `my &g = &f` and you get all of &f's candidates in &g. | 19:14 | |
(g is the alias for f) | |||
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codesections | m: sub f() {say 'f ran' }; my &g = &f; g | 19:16 | |
camelia | f ran | ||
codesections | I'm kind of surprised that works :) | 19:17 | |
lizmat | m: my &a; a | ||
camelia | Cannot invoke this object (REPR: Uninstantiable; Callable) in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
tbrowder | no, i would like equiv of: sub f($a), sub g($a), ..., sub z($a) where they all have the same parameter signature and can ba called by different names. looks like that's what you are demoing. | 19:18 | |
lizmat | foo is just syntactic sugar for &foo() :-) | ||
tbrowder | will it work as exported names in a module...i assume ot will. | ||
it | |||
tobs | uhh, so same signature but different implementations? No idea about that. | 19:19 | |
anyway, gotta go | |||
tbrowder | no, same implementation. | 19:20 | |
i think you just showed it! | |||
uh, codesections showed it! | 19:21 | ||
codesections | m: my &f = my &h = sub f() {say 'called f'} | ||
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Redeclaration of routine 'f'. Did you mean to declare a multi-sub? at <tmp>:1 ------> 3my &f = my &h = sub f() {say 'called f'}7⏏5<EOL> |
codesections | m: my &g = my &h = sub f() {say 'called f'} | 19:22 | |
camelia | ( no output ) | ||
codesections | (a more concise version) | ||
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tbrowder | m: my sub a($a) {say "called $a"}; my &b = a; b('a'); | 19:24 | |
camelia | 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp> Calling a() will never work with declared signature ($a) at <tmp>:1 ------> 3my sub a($a) {say "called $a"}; my &b = 7⏏5a; b('a'); |
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codesections | m: my sub a($a) {say "called $a"}; my &b = &a; b('a'); | 19:25 | |
camelia | called a | ||
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tbrowder | |o| three point field goal, yaaay | 19:26 | |
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tbrowder | way to go, codesections and other helpers | 19:27 | |
codesections | I was just implementing what tobs++ said – I had no idea that'd work before they said it! | 19:28 | |
but I'm probably going to use it some now :D | |||
tbrowder | well it works in a module, too! | 19:35 | |
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tbrowder | i did this first in the module: our &alias is export = &defined-sub; | 19:37 | |
then defined the sub: sub defined-sub($arg1, :$arg2) {} | 19:38 | ||
then in a test file used each name and got same result--that is exciting...be still my heart! | 19:39 | ||
Raku is Really Regal | 19:40 | ||
codesections | :D | ||
tbrowder | or as teenagers might say: Raku is Really Radical or, in some other time, Raku is Really Righteous | 19:42 | |
* [shrug, "whatever"] | 19:44 | ||
back to serious -Ofun | |||
codesections | I hate to break it to you, tbrowder, but I'm pretty sure those *both* qualify for the "in some other time" label :D | ||
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tbrowder | been there, but not as hip | 19:45 | |
uh, maybe earlier ;-) | 19:46 | ||
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tony-o | just as an fyi, the ecosystem grant proposal has been updated: news.perlfoundation.org/post/grant..._ecosystem | 19:50 | |
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moritz | tony-o++ | 20:08 | |
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tony-o | hope that clears a bit up for moritz - if it doesn't i'd be happy to respond more to your comments on the grant | 20:32 | |
demostanis | No comment about what I've said for modules.raku.org/dist/Sparrowdo::R...teFile.pm6 ? | 20:42 | |
tobs | my comment is you're probably right, but it depends on who the attacker is. I don't know Sparrow6 or what it does, so maybe loading code from a config file isn't critical. | 20:50 | |
demostanis | I will try to provide an example | ||
tobs | it certainly could use some argument quoting | ||
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codesections | Yeah, I also don't know Sparrow6. From a quick look, it looked less like a vulnerability and more like a deliberately non-secure design | 20:51 | |
(it looked like the idea was to execute code from a remote file, which is inherently non-secure unless you *really* trust that file) | |||
demostanis | It doesn't execute it, it only downloads it? | 20:52 | |
codesections | but, again, I don't have the context to know. Which is why I didn't say anything | ||
Geth_ | advent: 11e634f73d | p6steve++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 20th/articles/rfc54 Create rfc54 |
codesections | Oh | ||
demostanis | I am getting an example wait wait wait | ||
codesections | Will do :) | 20:53 | |
Geth_ | advent: f2de77b614 | p6steve++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files Update and rename rfc54 to rfc54.md |
20:54 | |
advent: b7bd99d55d | p6steve++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 20th/README.md adding rfc54.md |
20:56 | ||
moritz | tony-o: I think you answered most questions. I still want to know which faults the new thingy will tolerate, and how | 21:05 | |
demostanis | Nevermind, I was unable to reproduce a working example, the code sucks | 21:15 | |
In a docker container as root, sparrowdo tried to run sudo... | 21:16 | ||
But I believe it's dangerous | 21:17 | ||
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demostanis | I've found an example, but with Sparrowdo (something RemoteFile is made for, by the same author) | 21:32 | |
sparrowdo --ssh_user="; echo Proof #" | |||
Will echo "Proof" | |||
Now what if a program takes user's input to spawn a sparrowdo process | 21:33 | ||
my $input = $*IN.slurp; | |||
run("sparrowdo", "--ssh_user", $input); | 21:34 | ||
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demostanis | We run this script and pipe "; echo Proof #" to it | 21:34 | |
Boom. | |||
RemoteFile might have the same issue | 21:35 | ||
codesections | I guess I'm still not sure I follow the usecase for Sparrowdo. I thought it was intended for local configuration management, and thus has fairly privileged access to the system. In your example, it seems like the vulnerability is exposing a local config-management tool to user input | 21:36 | |
Or am I confused about Sparowdo's usecase? | |||
m: run <echo Proof> # this also works, but it doesn't mean Raku has a vulnerability | 21:37 | ||
camelia | Proof | ||
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demostanis | There may have some cases where it needs to take user input, even if it most of the time isn't the case. That's still something that shouldn't happen, and which should be fixed | 21:40 | |
codesections | No argument from me. But it might also be worth adding a note to the README that it's not intended to be exposed publicly – it seems like it's hard to back-port that type of security in, if a system wasn't built with the idea of handling untrusted user input from the start | 21:42 | |
(not a bad idea to try, just hard/easy to miss things) | |||
but just my ¢2 | 21:43 | ||
raku-bridge | <stu002> I'm looking for examples of "subset" type restrictions on function signatures. This is so I restrict the types of callback functions used, e.g. sub does-callback(%[named type here]:cb) | 21:52 | |
<stu002> That's not valid Raku though. | |||
tobs | @stu002 that question was recently asked on the mailing list, too | 21:57 | |
MasterDuke | m: subset Five of Int where 5; sub a(Five $a) { say "$a better == 5" }; a(5); a(4); | ||
camelia | 5 better == 5 Constraint type check failed in binding to parameter '$a'; expected Five but got Int (4) in sub a at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
MasterDuke | like that? | ||
tobs | www.nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl6...g8963.html | 21:58 | |
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tobs | MasterDuke: I think this is about a subset constraining the signature of an argument to a function that is itself a callable | 21:58 | |
a callbackable | |||
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MasterDuke | ah, a little more complicated | 21:59 | |
but i thought the docs had some examples of exactly that | |||
tobs | They have using signature literals. That question on the mailing list was about putting a name on a signature and using that name instead of the signature literal in constraints. I imagine stu is after the same. | 22:01 | |
and the &callback:(Int --> Int) syntax does not work anymore when the signature is not a literal. | |||
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raku-bridge | <stu002> MasterDuke:, tobs: that's very useful thanks. | 22:12 | |
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raku-bridge | <stu002> Having the named constraints helps with making intent clearer. | 22:13 | |
rypervenche | Is there a way to run a for loop that doesn't set $_? Something like how this Perl code does it: tio.run/#%23K0gtyjH9/18l3lY9pLCiIl...SZPqfb/fwA | 22:38 | |
demostanis | .quit | 22:42 | |
Shit | |||
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MasterDuke | m: for ^3 -> $i { say $i; say $_ } # rypervenche like this? | 22:46 | |
camelia | 0 (Any) 1 (Any) 2 (Any) |
tbrowder | tobs: a Capture might be a solution... | ||
rypervenche | Ah yeah, I guess I would have to assign it to a variable. Thanks. | 22:47 | |
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