Geth rakudo: usev6++ created pull request #3845:
Start to use nqp::execname on the JVM backend
lizmat Files=1334, Tests=113514, 229 wallclock secs (30.03 usr 8.75 sys + 3193.72 cusr 301.83 csys = 3534.33 CPU) 08:23
a little better than yesterday
[Tux] Rakudo version 2020.07-63-ga84952fb1 - MoarVM version 2020.07-16-g03d3e43fa
csv-ip5xs0.822 - 0.836
csv-ip5xs-208.175 - 8.382
csv-parser25.337 - 26.731
csv-test-xs-200.380 - 0.392
test7.644 - 7.924
test-t1.927 - 1.940
test-t --race0.819 - 0.851
test-t-2031.420 - 32.428
test-t-20 --race9.128 - 9.723
JJMerelo And we're out of articles at the 20th anniversary calendar 17:21
tobs with 6 days open, or 7? 17:22
JJMerelo 7
I just uploaded the article by leont, scheduled for this AM
So, 7 to go. 17:23
tobs and you have no promises to collect?
as in promised articles
JJMerelo Well, [Coke] did AFAIR, but that's it. 17:26
Let me check. 17:27
Correct, that's the one.
So that would make it 6, I guess. 17:28
Still, I guess I'll write something for tomorrow.
tobs I'll try to write about RFC 190 then. 17:29
JJMerelo tobs that would be awesome 17:30
tobs I'm almost sure that it is about what I think it is :)
JJMerelo tobs :-) 17:31
leont .tell JJMerelo sounds fine to me, if you didn't add those links already feel free to do so 22:55
tellable6 leont, I'll pass your message to JJMerelo
gfldex raku: enum E (a =>; 23:39
evalable6 (exit code 1) 04===SORRY!04=== Error while compiling /tmp/80pYe8q8Qf
Cannot auto-generate a proto method for 'kv' in the setting
at /tmp/80pYe8q8Qf:1