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Set by lizmat on 22 May 2021.
Geth rakudo/new-disp: a8d1dd1985 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | src/vm/moar/dispatchers.nqp
Fix "no such attribute '$!do'" when find_method returns containerized objects

If a custom meta class has a find_method method that returns objects wrapped in Scalar containers, dispatchers would fail with "P6opaque: no such attribute
  '$!do' on type Code in a Scalar when trying to get a value". Decont whatever
we get from find_method to fix this.
Geth nqp/new-disp: 84 commits pushed by (Jonathan Worthington)++
review: github.com/Raku/nqp/compare/2e107b...b63488916f
rakudo/new-disp: f5ca8997e0 | (Stefan Seifert)++ | 3rdparty/nqp-configure
Update nqp-configure