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Set by lizmat on 23 May 2021.
[Coke] lizmat: throwing an exception inside a STORE seems to get eaten. 01:06
m: sub x() is rw { Proxy.new( FETCH => method () { 3 }, STORE => method ($new) { die "EEK" }) } my $x = x(); say $x; $x = 4; 01:07
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Strange text after block (missing semicolon or comma?)
at <tmp>:1
------> 3 STORE => method ($new) { die "EEK" }) }7⏏5 my $x = x(); say $x; $x = 4;
expecting any of:
[Coke] m: sub x() is rw { Proxy.new( FETCH => method () { 3 }, STORE => method ($new) { die "EEK" }) }; my $x = x(); say $x; $x = 4;
camelia 3
[Coke] (was trying to implement the "only set x times" logic, and it never failed)
moon-child m: sub x() is rw { Proxy.new( FETCH => method () { 3 }, STORE => method ($new) { die "EEK" }) }; my $x := x(); say $x; $x = 4; 01:10
camelia 3
in method <anon> at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
moon-child need to bind 01:11
mykhal m: say try { "zzz".Int } 05:53
camelia Nil
mykhal m: say try { 0xd800.chr }
camelia Error encoding UTF-8 string: could not encode Unicode Surrogate codepoint 55296 (0xD800)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
moon-child the error is coming from say, not try 05:57
m: try { 0xd800.chr }
camelia ( no output )
moon-child also interesting to note that:
m: say 1; try { "\xd800" }; say 2 05:58
camelia 1
moon-child eh?
that behaves differently locally (not repl). I should recompile
mykhal c: revisions say try { 0xd800.chr } 06:01
committable6 mykhal, ¦revisions: «Cannot find this revision (did you mean “releases”?)»
mykhal c: releases say try { 0xd800.chr } 06:02
committable6 mykhal, gist.github.com/b405b75d362b285b4c...9c2381b887
moon-child hmm, aboutext for 'whateverable' says 'Having fun on #perl6 on freenode' which is doubly wrong now! 06:04
and also links to github.com/perl6/whateverable/, which is also no longer current
mykhal m: say try { my $x = "zzz".Int; CATCH { default { say "ERR {.Str}" } } } 06:13
camelia ERR Cannot convert string to number: base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.' in '3⏏5zzz' (indicated by ⏏)
mykhal m: say try { my $x = 0xd800.chr; CATCH { default { say "ERR {.Str}" } } } 06:14
camelia Nil
mykhal m: try { CATCH { default { say "ERR {$_.raku}" } }; my $x = "zzz".Int; } 06:17
camelia ERR X::Str::Numeric.new(source => "zzz", pos => 0, reason => "base-10 number must begin with valid digits or '.'")
mykhal m: try { CATCH { default { say "ERR {$_.raku}" } }; my $x = 0xd800.chr; }
camelia ( no output )
mykhal m: try { CATCH { default { say "ERR {$_.raku}" } }; my $x = 0xd800.chr; say $x.uniname; } 06:19
camelia <surrogate-D800>
mykhal moon-child: oh, i finally came to the same conclusin as you last hour:57 which i spotted just now :) 06:24
c: releases say (0..0x10FFFF)>>.chr.grep(*.uniprop('Numeric_Value').isNaN.:<!>).grep({Nil === try { +"$_"}}).join 06:41
committable6 mykhal, gist.github.com/c802d82e5009f739eb...8e7e92e573 06:49
vasko Since around when did lists and arrays stop flattening by default? I'm getting confused with a bunch of old blog posts which snippet code where there seems to be some old Perl5 like flattening behaviour. 12:46
ugexe 2015ish 12:47
vasko Thanks, there so many old blog posts, it's quite cool. Anything else one should look out for? 12:56
moritz look out for those written by me, they are the best! :-) 13:44
(just the most out-of-date, I guess) 13:45
Doc_Holliwood m: my \x₁ = 0; 18:51
camelia 5===SORRY!5=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Term definition requires an initializer
at <tmp>:1
------> 3my \x7⏏5₁ = 0;
Doc_Holliwood shouldn't that work?
MasterDuke "regular" identifiers are restricted to certain types of unicode characters. terms are allowed to use a larger set of unicode types 18:56
m: sub term:<x₁>(--> 42) {}; say x₁ 18:57
camelia 42
CIAvash Doc_Holliwood: github.com/lizmat/Slang-Subscripts 19:18
lizmat ooh, wow, I completely forgot about that one 19:37
AlexDaniel moon-child: whateverable fixed 19:43
Geth doc: 58db9e7bc5 | Coke++ | xt/pws/words.pws
add 'nullish'

described here:
doc: 1c11f70d7a | Coke++ | doc/Language/modules.pod6

pass xt/links-not-links.t
moon-child what is 'words.pws'? 23:17
moon-child oh--word list for a spellchecker? 23:17
[Coke] moon-child: yes 23:26
we're doing the bare minimum to avoid introducing spelling errors in the dods
you can run it with xt/aspell.t (and pass it filenames to check or use TEST_FILES env var) 23:29
moon-child how do I make a self-modifying grammar? 23:35