🦋 Welcome to the IRC channel of the core developers of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org #rakulang). This channel is logged for the purpose of history keeping about its development | evalbot usage: 'm: say 3;' or /msg camelia m: ... | Logs available at irclogs.raku.org/raku-dev/live.html | For MoarVM see #moarvm
Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
[Tux] jdv: tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed5.html 06:56
and that page is refreshed on every timing run 06:57
ab5tract lizmat: Good point. And probably more evidence that first should behave like map. 07:35
Related: am I crazy or did .kv used to output ([$k,$v], ...)?
lizmat maybe before the GLR
ab5tract yeah, if so it's been a looong time 07:40
there was a .kxxv at that time too
ah, nope, that's a Baggy/Mixxy feature 07:44
lizmat m: .say for <a a b b c c c>.Bag.kxxv # indeed 07:45
camelia b
ab5tract yeah, looks like it was pre-GLR: "Note that C<kv %hash> returns the same as C<zip(keys %hash; values %hash)>" 08:00
m: my %hash = ("x" X~ 1..5) Z=> 1..5; dd zip(%hash.keys, %hash.values)
camelia (("x1", 1), ("x4", 4), ("x5", 5), ("x3", 3), ("x2", 2)).Seq
ab5tract conceptually I kind of preferred it that way, to be honest 08:01
but I will not stand in the way of history here :)
lizmat: should there be a ticket for fixing first to match map semantics? 08:03
lizmat perhaps a problem solving one ? 08:04
ab5tract ok, will try to get around to that later today 08:05
Geth rakudo/main: 967d1a5a47 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | lib/NativeCall.rakumod
Fix scoping issue in NativeCall

This was probably broken with 46a8f32472ea1d158b , but I have no idea why I didn't spot this before in make test :-(
Geth rakudo/main: 2e05fe4d9a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 6 files
Replace outdated references to another language
rakudo/main: aec7a49d01 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/RakuAST/Fixups.rakumod
RakuAST: V<> semantics shouldn't extend a whole paragraph

As spotted by Coke++
lizmat m: (^Inf).reverse # that should just not infiniloop 12:34
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: dd (^Inf).reverse # that should just not infiniloop
camelia (timeout) 12:35
Geth rakudo/main: 5eb1da8c26 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | src/core.e/Fixups.rakumod
Add Cool.nomark in 6.e (#5562)

As suggested in github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/427
Notes on implementation:
  - Cool.nomark converts to string and delegates to Str.nomark
  - in Str.nomark: check if empty string, return invocant if so
... (8 more lines)
rakudo/main: 26f1c49463 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/Range.rakumod
Make (^Inf).reverse fail rather than infiniloop
ugexe should it really not infiniloop? 14:21
1..Inf infiniloops as well
indeed might seem a bit weird to see every value is 'Inf', but maybe that is correct? 14:22
to be clear i'm not saying it is, i just know there seem to be non-intuitive rules for what to expect from infinities 14:23
non-intuitive mathematical rules^ 14:24
m: say (-Inf..0).reverse.reverse.raku 14:28
camelia Failure.new(exception => X::Cannot::Lazy.new(action => ".reverse", what => "Seq"), backtrace => Backtrace.new)
ab5tract ugexe: it seems like a case we can trivially catch in RakuAST, throwing an exception that it will infiniloop. The user would then be free to catch and resume if that’s something that they actually want 15:13
Geth nqp/r1373: 4 commits pushed by ab5tract++ 16:04
ab5tract git and I are in a bit of a fight today, it seems 16:05
Geth nqp/r1373: 454ef9dfba | ab5tract++ | 2 files
Add open mode constants

This is useful for HLLs to check the (simple) open mode of a BOOTIO. Simple here means only the ro/wo/rw part of the mode, so no information about append/truncate/etc.
nqp: ab5tract++ created pull request #822:
Add open mode constants
lizmat ab5tract: the JVM ones need to be added at the end per item, due to JVM restrictions, if I re.ember correctly
Geth rakudo/r1373: 91eeaa20d0 | ab5tract++ | src/core.c/IO/Handle.rakumod
Move the open mode detection down a layer

This allows us to remove the additional instance variable from IO::Handle in order to avoid adding additional weight/complexity to an already unwieldy core class.
This depends on changes in MoarVM (M#1803) and NQP (N#822).
linkable6 M#1803 [open]: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/1803 Provide some mechanisms for introspecting file mode
linkable6 N#822 [open]: github.com/Raku/nqp/pull/822 Add open mode constants
ab5tract lizmat: ah, thanks for the heads up. in fact, I debated on including them... right now they aren't used at all 16:09
lizmat well, if they won't be on the JVM backend, then best to exclude them
ab5tract let me check how comprehensible the current error message is in JVM 16:10
I wonder if zoffix is smiling somewhere, watching his bug reports get fixed 16:15
he surely could get things to break
20% of the open issues originate from him 16:16
lizmat I'm pretty sure they also fixed a decent number of them 16:17
ab5tract yeah, roughly 50/50 balance between open and closed 16:26
jdv: how careful are we WRT jvm during releases? 16:29
because `rakubrew build jvm 2024.04` just blew up on me 16:30
m: m: my $x = 42; .= flip with $x 16:31
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> m: my $x = 42; .=⏏ flip with $x
ab5tract m: my $x = 42; .= flip with $x
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead.
at <tmp>:1
------> my $x = 42; .=⏏ flip with $x
ab5tract m: Q| my $x = 42; .= flip with $x |.AST.EVAL.say 16:32
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/camelia/EVAL_0
Preceding context expects a term, but found infix .= instead.
at /home/camelia/EVAL_0:1
------> my $x = 42; .=⏏ flip with $x
jdv ab5tract: we are not 16:41
ab5tract ack
jdv [Tux]: thanks 16:42
ab5tract yet another longstanding issue fixed in RakuAST! R#2295 17:17
linkable6 R#2295 [open]: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/2295 [consistency][Fixed in RakuAST] Blocks don't get parametarized with return type
lizmat nice! 17:18
m: dd { :42a, :666b }.antipairs 17:42
camelia (666 => "b", 42 => "a").Seq
lizmat m: dd { :42a, :666b }.hyper.antipairs
camelia ((:a(42)) => 0, (:b(666)) => 1).Seq
lizmat should we consider this difference a bug ?
or is this a consequence of .hyper considering its invocant to be an Iterable, and thus in the case of an Associative, would produce Pairs 17:45
ab5tract hmmm 17:52
since this 17:54
m: dd |{ :42a, :666b }.hyper 17:55
camelia :a(42)
ab5tract and this
m: dd |{ :42a, :666b }
camelia :a(42)
ab5tract are the same, I would lean towards bug
but then again, the explanation about invocant iterable makese sense to me 17:59
and probably my test cases are mostly irrelevant to the question, in retrospect, except inasmuch as to demonsrate that a user might expect a symmetry of behavior here 18:04
lizmat another interesting find: 18:13
m: dd (^Inf).iterator.is-lazy
camelia Bool::True
lizmat m: dd (^Inf).hyper.iterator.is-lazy
camelia Bool::False
lizmat and thus: 18:14
m: dd (^Inf).elems
camelia Failure.new(exception => X::Cannot::Lazy.new(action => ".elems", what => ""), backtrace => Backtrace.new)
lizmat m: dd (^Inf).hyper.elems
camelia (signal XCPU)
lizmat wow :-) 18:15
ab5tract never seen that signal before :O 18:16
ab5tract SEQUENCE.rakumod is a helluva drug 19:19
lizmat tell me about it
ab5tract any idea why '# don't sink return of take()' ? 19:20
Geth nqp/r1373: 56cd9e4dd1 | ab5tract++ | src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTOperationsMAST.nqp
Add open mode constants

This is useful for HLLs to check the (simple) open mode of a BOOTIO. Simple here means only the ro/wo/rw part of the mode, so no information about append/truncate/etc.
nqp/main: 9cf971726a | ab5tract++ | src/vm/moar/QAST/QASTOperationsMAST.nqp
Add open mode constants

This is useful for HLLs to check the (simple) open mode of a BOOTIO. Simple here means only the ro/wo/rw part of the mode, so no information about append/truncate/etc.
lizmat ab5tract: what would that mean 19:38
ab5tract I have no clue, but the consequences of sink context are still a blind spot for me 19:39
lizmat well, sink context makes "for" workl
ab5tract Maybe it's to avoid useless use errors... 19:40
or worries, rather
but its also plain weird to me that the taken values aren't, like, used for anything 19:41
lizmat they are gathered ?
ab5tract ah, right, duh! 19:42
but then why assign the result of take into unused temporary variables? I think that's what threw me off re: the take semantics 19:43
lizmat because otherwise it *would* get sunk
ab5tract well, I know a surefire way to see what blows up without them :)
lizmat re sink:
remember that: 19:44
m: for ^3 { .say }
camelia 0
lizmat is really:
m: (^3).map({ .say }).iterator.sink-all
camelia 0
lizmat under the hood
ab5tract hmm.. 20:01
wait.. does `take` work by throwing an exception? :O 21:49
ugexe yes - stackoverflow.com/a/43333653/1772220 21:59
ab5tract is that a major factor in how we generally consider gather/take to be unusably slow? 22:06
lizmat it's one factor, yes 22:07
ab5tract "unusably' is a bit uncharitable
lizmat for the same reason I try to refrain from return / next / last in hot code 22:08
ab5tract now it's starting to all click together 22:25
ab5tract now I'm reminded of a blog series about writing a text adventure using exceptions.. 22:41
gfldex ab5tract: I found sink-context very useful indeed: gfldex.wordpress.com/?s=sink 22:42
ab5tract gfldex: thanks for the reference, will check these posts out 22:44
Geth rakudo/r1399: ae6ccdc310 | ab5tract++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/SEQUENCE.rakumod
Fix memory leaking in infinity-bound ...

It's simple: there's no reason to involve the `righti` iterator at all. Remove that, et voila, no memory leak for inifinite sequences.
There are only two possible `righti` for infinities: ... (11 more lines)
ab5tract RT#131829 (just curious if it works) 23:09
Geth rakudo/r1399: 24057e69cd | ab5tract++ | src/core.c/Rakudo/SEQUENCE.rakumod
Fix memory leaking in infinity-bound ...

It's simple: there's no reason to involve the `righti` iterator at all. Remove that, et voila, no memory leak for inifinite sequences.
There are only two possible `righti` for infinities: ... (11 more lines)
rakudo: ab5tract++ created pull request #5569:
Fix memory leaking in infinity-bound ...
ab5tract that's probably all for tonight :) 23:16