Welcome to the main channel on the development of MoarVM, a virtual machine for NQP and Rakudo (moarvm.org). This channel is being logged for historical purposes.
Set by lizmat on 24 May 2021.
nine It's not even just MVMRegister and CPU registers. Even for object attributes, using less than 64 bits often won't save any memory at all due to alignment requirements, i.e. a 64 bit value (like our normal ints or pointers) should only be stored at an address that's a multiple of 8 09:49
lizmat there are several data structures in MoarVM that are aligned on 4 byte boundaries 09:59
perhaps we should align them on 8-byte as well ? 10:00
ab5tract Regarding my MR: I could shave two shorts off the (new) size of MVMIOFileData by storing the simplified mode flag directly and then exposing three helper functions for checking the modes. Would this be preferable? 10:48
Or even a single helper function, if we don’t mind some magic numbers in the syscall definitions 10:49
lizmat magic numbers are ok if they are also nqp::const:: constants, at least in my book 10:58
ab5tract okay, I think it's in pretty fine shape now. feedback much appreciated 15:00
lizmat not sure why this wasn't announced here: sadly I cannot re-annouce MoarVM pushes :-( 15:43
ab5tract lizmat: probably because it's in my clone of the repo. ENOBIT 15:52
lizmat ah, I see *phew* So I kicked Geth without it needing to be kicked. Sorry, Geth 15:53
lizmat gives Geth a pat on the back
lizmat can do that since Geth lives on her desk :-) 15:54
ab5tract :)
ab5tract feeds Geth M#1803
linkable6 M#1803 [open]: github.com/MoarVM/MoarVM/pull/1803 Provide some mechanisms for introspecting file mode
ab5tract ah, well linkable looked hungry too ;) 15:55
lizmat src/io/syncfile.c:487:15: error: no member named 'open_mode_simpl' in 'MVMIOFileData'; did you mean 'open_mode_simple'?
data->open_mode_simpl = simple_flag;
ab5tract huh, that's really weird. I fixed that locally
lizmat actually: src/io/syncfile.c:486:1: error: version control conflict marker in file
ab5tract ahh, some cherry-pick merge gunk 15:56
sorry about that :(
lizmat CI for the win!
ab5tract love that stuff 16:00
should be un-borked now
nine lizmat: do you mean in the bytecode files? 17:07
lizmat possibly? but yeah, you're right, I shouldn't equate bytecode format with in-memory layout, right? 17:10
otoh, why do we align on 2/4 byte boundaries in the bytecode format? to allow for easier reading, right ? 17:11