00:05 japhb left 00:48 japhb joined 06:46 sena_kun joined 07:04 sena_kun left
lizmat m: sub a(/^foo\d/) { dd } # meh 08:22
camelia ===SORRY!===
Cannot find method 'compile_time_value' on object of type QAST::Op
lizmat feels to me we should be able to codegen this to: 08:24
m: sub a($ where /^foo\d/) { dd }; a "foo2"
camelia sub a($ where { ... })
lizmat m: sub a($ where /^foo\d/) { dd ~$/ }; a "foo2"
camelia "foo2"
ab5tract Hmm.. it seems reasonable on the one hand but also a bit too implicit on the other 08:31
Would it only be for regexen or would it support any valid where thunk? 08:32
lizmat I guess any valid where thunk 08:36
m: sub a($ where 42) { dd }; a 42
camelia sub a($ where { ... })
lizmat m: sub a(42) { dd }; a 42
camelia sub a(42)
lizmat already allowed for literals
ab5tract Maybe itā€™s almost a running joke now (I feel like itā€™s the hammer I reach for), but maybe we could add a named arg to the sub definition to enable this
Oh, thatā€™s interesting 08:37
sub s(.foo):m { ā€¦ }
But if itā€™s already there for literals, I guess that adverb is not really necessary 08:38
So it seems almost like an afterthought.. 08:40
Honestly this would be interesting to support outside of single argument subs
sub s(@a, AnEnum::A) {ā€¦} 08:41
Oops, forgot the multi
Itā€™s a lot nicer than multi s(@a, $ where AnEnum::A) {ā€¦}, in my opinion 08:42
lizmat m: sub a($a, More) { dd $a }; a 42, More 08:44
camelia 42
lizmat that already works ... :-)
falls out of smartmatching
ab5tract Wild! 08:45
m: multi s(@a, 36) { say 36 }; multi s(@a, 42) { say 42 }; s @, 36
camelia 36
ab5tract To me this looks like just a feature that was started but couldnā€™t be finished with the old compiler and dev resources
m: enum Foo <A B>; multi s(@a, Foo::A) { dd A }; multi s(@a, Foo::B) { dd B }; s @, B 08:47
camelia Foo::B
ab5tract Thatā€™s funny! I guess I didnā€™t actually try it, or else something else went wrong when I did and I misinterpreted the cause of failure 08:48
timo is now not only losing his mind because of azure windows vms, but additionally and unrelatedly also because of qemu-system 10:29
lizmat goes looking for timo's mind 10:34
Geth rakudo/main: 36e8403dc1 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/hash_slice.rakumod
Add dedicated { }:p|kv|k|v candidates

Not so much performance improvement, but lower bytecode size for the fast paths, so better inlining. And one step closer to getting rid of the SLICE_ONE_HASH behemoth (that once was a good optimization pre new-disp)
rakudo/main: 753c755941 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/hash_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt { }:delete:exists

making it up to 7x as fast
timo holy ... 11:10
Geth rakudo/main: e22881214e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/hash_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt { }:delete:(:p|kv)

making it up to 7x as fast if the key didn't exist, otherwise just smaller bytecode size so easier inlining
timo oh, how good is our code-gen / dispatcher / whatever for coercing types in parameters? 12:02
i wonder how annoying / possible it is to use a Scalar "itself" as the key to a hash, instead of the value inside of it (now that i saw we have \key there and don't nqp::decont it 12:04
lizmat explain 12:08
timo object hashes*
lizmat ah... hmmm not seeing the advantage yet 12:09
timo m: my %foo{Scalar}; %foo{$_} = "underscore"; %foo{$/} = "slash"; .say for %foo; $_ = 9; $/ = "Hi"; .say for %foo; say %foo{$_}:p; say %foo{$/}:p;
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of $/ variable; in Raku please use the filehandle's .nl-in attribute
at <tmp>:1
------> $/} = "slash"; .say for %foo; $_ = 9; $/ā = "Hi"; .say for %foo; say %foo{$_}:p;
timo no advantage, just something silly?
m: my %foo{Scalar}; %foo{$_} = "underscore"; %foo{$/} = "slash"; .say for %foo; $_ = 9; "Hello" ~~ /../; .say for %foo; say %foo{$_}:p; say %foo{$/}:p; 12:10
camelia Type check failed in binding to parameter 'key'; expected Scalar but got Any (Any)
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
timo m: my %foo{Scalar}; %foo{$_.VAR} = "underscore"; %foo{$/.VAR} = "slash"; .say for %foo; $_ = 9; "Hello" ~~ /../; .say for %foo; say %foo{$_.VAR}:p; say %foo{$/.VAR}:p;
camelia (Any) => underscore
Nil => slash
9 => underscore
ļ½¢Heļ½£ => slash
9 => underscore
ļ½¢Heļ½£ => slash
timo wheee
that's kinda cool?
lizmat hehe 12:12
but yeah.... that works
everything is an object :-)
Geth rakudo/main: eb7a8279e5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/hash_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt { }:delete:exists:(:p|kv)

making it up to 7x as fast if the key didn't exist, otherwise just smaller bytecode size so easier inlining
timo everything is an object, sure, but many places decont 12:14
12:37 nine left, nine joined
Geth rakudo/main: 49be2cf54e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/hash_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt { }:delete:(k|v)

making it up to 7x as fast if the key didn't exist, otherwise just smaller bytecode size so easier inlining.
Also reorganize some candidates for better maintainability
rakudo/main: 74b45bb342 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/hash_slice.rakumod
Remove all SLICE_ONE_HASH references in %h<key>

They are no longer needed. Add a single candidate catching all other named arg combinations
rakudo/main: 4646481e09 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | 2 files
Simplify %h<a b c> handling

by moving the fulfilling logic to a new .List method on the iterator
15:04 finanalyst joined
Geth rakudo/main: 0dd0d72ee0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/array_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt []:(k|p|kv|v)

Maybe a 3% faster, but more importantly much lower bytecode size, so better inlineable
rakudo/main: b093bc42cd | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/array_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt [x]:exists

Makes it about 25% faster and has a smaller bytecode size for better inlining
|Tux| Rakudo v2024.08-50-gb093bc42c (v6.d) on MoarVM 2024.08-9-g570db2612
csv-ip5xs0.260 - 0.265
csv-ip5xs-201.095 - 1.112
csv-parser1.502 - 1.532
csv-test-xs-200.141 - 0.141
test1.810 - 1.815
test-t0.403 - 0.404
test-t --race0.265 - 0.268
test-t-204.792 - 4.904
test-t-20 --race1.155 - 1.181
tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4-20.html / tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed4.html tux.nl/Talks/CSV6/speed.log
lizmat m: sub a($a) { $a ?? 42 !! 666 }; a(True) for ^10000000; say now - ENTER now 16:29
camelia 0.23355295
lizmat m: sub a(Bool() $a) { $a ?? 42 !! 666 }; a(True) for ^10000000; say now - ENTER now
camelia 0.130698307
lizmat that feels counter-intuitive.... 16:30
Geth rakudo/main: 50b8614031 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/array_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt []:foo by Boolifying in the signature

This appears to make all these candidates about 3% faster. Not entirely sure why, possibly because the coercion happens at the callsite? Looks like this creates a smaller bytecode-size footprint
16:55 finanalyst left
Geth intellij-ide-fork: ab5tract++ created pull request #1:
Merge intellij/idea/232.10335.12 to main
ab5tract Ah, that's not actually ready yet.. I thought it was going to be internal to my own repo 17:11
Geth rakudo/main: 86a5a10cb5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/array_slice.rakumod
Micro-opt [foo]:(p|kv|v)

The :p :kv candidates can *not* forward to their Int:D candidate, as they need to produce the key value unaltered.
The :v candidate forwards, and this makes it 25% faster
ab5tract apparently it takes a bit of time to reconcile 16,000+ commits :) 17:21
lizmat is that all?
ab5tract I want to apologize for misrepresenting jnthn++ -- the .cmd files are actually some sort of wild hybrid of sh + DOS batch syntax that are supported on both platforms 17:22
lizmat: I know, I know.. amateur stuff :) 17:24
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timo my runcy_funcy_optimizations branch makes it a tiny bit faster still 19:23
0.31113 +- 0.00280 seconds time elapsed <-- 0.51927 +- 0.00327 seconds time elapsed 19:25
that's for 50000000 runs of the loop with Bool() in the sig 19:26
lizmat nice! 19:31
timo m: say 1_758_078_934 / 50_000_000, " cpu cycles per loop iteration" 19:34
camelia 35.16157868 cpu cycles per loop iteration
timo i mean that isn't super terrible right?
ab5tract that's a nice bump indeed!
lizmat nope
ab5tract gist.github.com/ab5tract/270cf5959...c76034a561
(tl;dr -- is make install working for others?) 19:35
timo m: say 2_768_952_429 / 50_000_000, " cpu cycles per loop iteration without runcy_funcy_optimizations"
camelia 55.37904858 cpu cycles per loop iteration without runcy_funcy_optimizations
Geth rakudo/main: 045644e0a0 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | src/core.c/hash_slice.rakumod
Actually only allow concrete iterables in %h{...}
rakudo/windows_latest_azure_pipeline: 3de00c9847 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | 2 files
try to cache moar build, it's so agonizingly slow
rakudo/windows_latest_azure_pipeline: 4c3d6f9d43 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
yeah guess what has dots in it ... dates!
rakudo/windows_latest_azure_pipeline: 4285588c43 | (Timo Paulssen)++ | azure-pipelines.yml
now that moar has been built and cached, try building rakudo again
timo ah crap, i guess changing the pipeline setup emptied the cache? 22:07
22:31 finanalyst left