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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:05 japhb left 00:09 elcaro joined 00:19 gvpn joined 00:20 gvpn left 00:48 japhb joined
antononcube .seen wayne 01:09
tellable6 antononcube, I haven't seen wayne around, did you mean aryan?
01:14 kylese left, kylese joined 02:15 kylese left, kylese joined 03:28 Lollers joined 03:36 Aedil joined 03:48 Lollers left 06:04 jaguart joined 06:09 jaguart left 06:27 melezhik joined
melezhik . 06:27
tellable6 2024-09-08T21:30:13Z #raku <librasteve> melezhik: hi - I liked your comment on HN
melezhik librasteve: thanks!
06:31 melezhik left 06:42 Sgeo left 06:46 sena_kun joined
librasteve news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41482679 <== ooh hackernews 07:03
07:04 sena_kun left 07:05 xinming left 08:01 dakkar joined 10:04 jaguart joined 10:08 jaguart left 12:37 nine left, nine joined
antononcube .seen wayland76 13:20
tellable6 antononcube, I saw wayland76 2024-09-08T11:01:32Z in #raku: <wayland> Oh, great! From the TOP pages then :) . Thanks! Makes it feel like writing that site was worth it :) .
14:31 xinming joined
[Coke] i.imgur.com/oc2QPg1.jpg - 4 color camelia keychain 3d print. 15:39
(marker for size)
lizmat cool 15:40
[Coke] (that's the slightly sparkly side, courtesy of the contoured bed plate.
lizmat I assume white is one of the colors? 15:43
antononcube @Coke Did color parts of 3D printed keychain with featured Sharpie?
[Coke] white eyes, yellow face, blue smile, black body.
heh, no it's a 4-color printer.
(which is why I didn't do the full color version, printer only goes to 4, but then I can do an unattended print) 15:44
patterns on wings are yellow/blue
tonyo1 . 16:03
timo have you experimented with different surface treatments, such as ... acetone i guess? 16:09
librasteve coke: can you share the source - maybe I can sell some merch at the LPRW? 16:18
nail varnish? 16:20
got 7000 hits on my blog so far today
antononcube @Coke Alternatively, please print and mail a keychain to every rakunista (rakuminati, etc.) who has more than 200 messages in Raku-IRC.
[Coke] timo: no, just did a simple print on the textured plate. I haven't experimented with surface treatments in general 16:29
librasteve - sure, I just used the PNG off wikipedia, then used a tool on makerworld to reduce colors and add the keychain hook. I can share the model. It's a .3mf, is that ok? 16:30
I can also share a model without the keychain hole
I also don't mind printing a few and sending them along to whoever is going to the next con
but each print is about 1hour16min, so it won't be a lot. 16:31
antononcube …and you have to babysit the printing process, right? 16:40
16:42 dakkar left
librasteve .3mf should be fine - theres a 3d print shop down the rod and I can get them to quote a price 16:43
as keychain please
road 16:44
[Coke] No babysitting, really. Worst case it goes off the rails somehow and doesn't stop printing. usually if there's an error with adhesion or something, it's smart enough to figure out it's printing on air. 16:52
librasteve: gist.github.com/coke/464b2b41abb11...bf27cf0ebe 16:55
librasteve many thanks!
[Coke] Happy to share! 16:56
17:06 itaipu left 17:21 itaipu joined
lizmat PSA: The Rakudo Weekly will be published tomorrow 17:22
[Coke] cool, no worries! 17:29
librasteve - I'm curious what they quote you. 17:35
librasteve will feedback 17:58
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tbrowder librasteve: i bought the hypermedia kindle book yesterday, just started browsing--hoping my old web 1.0 site can be transformed from apache/perl/cgi to apache/raku/htmx, so i'm motivated to help with yr htmx stuff 18:43
19:03 Aedil left 19:45 b4252 joined
b4252 installing Rakudo on macOS Monterey, after some security & privacy fixes, now get: 19:46
perl6 19:47
I ran into a problem while trying to set up Readline: Could not instantiate role 'ReadlineBehavior':
Cannot locate native library '(null)': dlopen(libreadline.7.dylib, 0x000A): tried: '//Applications/Rakudo/lib/libreadline.7.dylib' (no such file), '//Applications/Rakudo/lib/libreadline.7.dylib' (no such file), 'libreadline.7.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/local/lib/libreadline.7.dylib' (no such file), '/usr/lib/libreadline.7.dylib' (no such file),
'/Users/brucer42/git/personal/projects/swhbc/libreadline.7.dylib' (no such file)
Falling back to Linenoise (if present)
You may want to `zef install Readline` or `zef install Linenoise` or use rlwrap for a line editor
tried zef install Readline, zef thinks it's already there. 19:48
[Coke] Did you install the native depds for Readline? 19:51
if you're on mac, do you have brew or ports?
lizmat also: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/main...S.md#macos 19:52
b4252 I installed the dmg from raku.org, I have brew, I think I'll try using its install. I don't want to dig too deep today. 19:55
librasteve on a mac I prefer rakubrew
timo do we have some way to notice when the "macos is preventing us from loading the library for security reasons" thing is happening?
[Coke] Pretty sure it gives an appropriately crytpic error message. 19:56
librasteve just zef install linenoise ...havent got readline to work yet
[Coke] brew install readline 19:57
(I think. Most package managers have a -dev option, but I don't see one for readline on brew) 19:58
timo the -dev one is only needed if the "is native" thing doesn't have a version specified in it
at least normally that's the case
librasteve brew install rakudo-star looks up to date though be interested to know hiw well that works
b4252 I will tell you in a second. brew updating self, world, installing rakudo-star. 20:00
20:02 abraxxa-home joined
librasteve I just rakubrew download moar-2024.08 then zef install Readline - all very smooth ... brew info readline says readline: stable 8.2.13 (bottled) [keg-only] 20:04
20:05 abraxxa-home left
b4252 maybe i should have used rakubrew; currently upgrading harfbuzz. And some other stuff. Can someone loan me a faster mac? 20:06
I'm not doing the work, brew is. 20:07
20:07 abraxxa-home joined
antononcube @librasteve It has been smooth to install Readline ever, and still it is not. I got this message: > On macOS Raku::Readline requires installing Readline via " ~ > "Homebrew or MacPorts 20:11
b4252  % perl6 20:13
Welcome to Rakudo™ Star v2024.08.
Implementing the Raku® Programming Language v6.d.
Built on MoarVM version 2024.08.
To exit type 'exit' or '^D'
[0] > say "whoopee!"
say "whoopee!"
evalable6__ WARNINGS for /tmp/4BCmElqNUt:
Useless use of ">" in expression "[0] > say \"whoopee!\"" in sink context (line 1)
b4252 whoopee!
evalable6__ whoopee!
b4252 [0] >
evalable6, what are you up to?
librasteve m: say "whoopee!" 20:14
evalable6__ whoopee!
Raku eval whoopee!
lizmat b4252: OOC, why not "raku" instead of "perl6" ?
b4252 coming from perl5, just have not caught on yet. raku rake. got it! 20:16
spell discorrecter at work. 20:17
lizmat :-) 20:19
b4252 ciao, grazie 20:20
20:21 b4252 left 20:44 abraxxa-home left
vendethiel was leave removed at some point? I seem to have missed that 21:29
[Coke] do you mean LEAVE? 21:33
vendethiel no 21:34
[Coke] m: leave
camelia leave not yet implemented. Sorry.
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
[Coke] That doesn't read like "removed".
bisectable: leave
bisectable6 [Coke], Will bisect the whole range automagically because no endpoints were provided, hang tight
[Coke], Output on all releases: gist.github.com/bdb5a46ecf599a7e0b...ab1b78c096 21:35
vendethiel Well. I don't think it ever got implemented
bisectable6 [Coke], Bisecting by output (old=2017.05 new=2017.06) because on both starting points the exit code is 1
vendethiel despecced would be better
bisectable6 [Coke], bisect log: gist.github.com/cd516a4fc6329361a8...1e3c09cf5a
[Coke], (2017-05-26) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/c4...4439bab3db
[Coke], Output on all releases and bisected commits: gist.github.com/6d3b0991507d9c91d2...1a3dcdc343
[Coke] if was completely despec'd, I assume we'd want to remove the NYI placeholder. 21:36
ab5tract Not a big fan of routines that have subtle distinctions from phasers 21:44
timo i like leave fine 21:45
ab5tract timo: I guess you mean theoretically
timo i would like having leave
ab5tract What’s the fine line for leave vs LEAVE
timo what's the fine line between NEXT and next 21:47
and last and LAST 21:48
ab5tract Good questions. Like I said, I’m not a big fan 21:49
For next and last, I see the difference between the “action” and the “phase” 21:54
timo but not for leave? 21:56
ab5tract leave is murkier to me though
timo enters, computes, refuses to elaborate, leaves. 21:57
ab5tract when I want to “leave” a loop, I call last 21:58
When I want to “leave” a block, I call return
timo well, you can only return from routines, not individual blocks 21:59
ab5tract So yeah, the purpose of leave is unclear to me
timo but what do you do if you want to "leave" a bloop? 22:01
ab5tract I bloop out of there all in my own :) 22:02
Speaking of, it’s time to &sleep
timo but yeah, leave is for blocks, return goes through multiple blocks like a cannon ball through thin sheets of cardboard
it takes a Routine to stop it, right? 22:03
ab5tract Yeah indeed, it’s late and I mis typed (as in T)
I see the potential now 22:04
Though I have also never actually had need for it. But if that were a criteria for CORE, Raku would be a lot less comprehensive than it is 22:05
timo can we already "last" a loop block with a "return value"? 22:06
is "next" on a loop body the same as "leave" on a loop body? with a value, i mean
ab5tract Re: the first question 22:14
m: my $x = do for ^3 { last 5 }; dd :$x
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Calling last(Int) will never work with any of these multi signatures:
( --> Nil)
(Label:D $x --> Nil)
at <tmp>:1
------> my $x = do for ^3 { ⏏last 5 }; dd :$x
ab5tract so yeah, I get it and agree 22:17
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