[Coke] that class/role discrepenancy should eventually be caught by the check-signature test. 13:42
lizmat fwiw, they may have been roles at some time in the past 13:44
[Coke] lizmat: opened a Code::Coverage ticket - test failures here. 18:37
It looks like it's a dep issue, but the repo looks fine. 18:52
*repos 18:54
lizmat yeah, it's something icky during testing :-( 19:05
but only during testing, and only if some of the deps aren't installed yet
ugexe: off the top of your mind, does $*REPO gets set for staging repositories during testing ? 19:49
if not, what would be the way to find out what the head of the repo-chain is ?
during testing with a dependency in a staging repo
ugexe when you say during testing, you mean the testing phase of `zef install ...` or `zef test ...`? The later does not use staging at all. for `zef install ...` the test command is invoked with -I /path/to/staging/repo 20:19
[zef] Command: /Users/nlogan/.rakubrew/versions/moar-2024.09/install/bin/rakudo -I CompUnit::Repository::Staging#name(site)#/var/folders/cw/bq4j08yx3wq5b3dvz_s4ygb80000gn/T/.zef.1736885886.80166/1736885886.80166.4174.220434103438 t/00-load.rakutest
if you run zef install with --debug you'd see a command like the one above
lizmat when the user runs "zef install foo" 20:22
timo during testing of the module when zef does the install?
lizmat yes