Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
09:16 finanalyst joined 09:21 sena_kun joined 10:59 lizmat_ left 11:00 lizmat joined 11:25 finanalyst left 14:01 finanalyst joined
Geth ¦ doc: coke self-assigned Need a better example of formatting code L<> (Links), particularly for links to another pod document 14:17
[Coke] does L<Some::Module> actually work? What renderer hndles this? 15:14
Geth doc/coke/link-cleanup: 736b380639 | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Language/pod.rakudoc
Rewrite L<> section

Fixes #4481
doc: coke++ created pull request #4482:
Rewrite L<> section
18:22 finanalyst left