Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
[Coke] feedback on 00:00 00:03
Nemokosch [Coke]: thank you for the Discussions page - if I saw it earlier, I could have already mentioned in the Raku Study meeting, perhaps Rob would have been interested 09:54
For the other one - I'm not at the right computer now, it would be good to see actual visual examples 09:55
Another thought I had is that it would be good to somehow automatically check all links.
I still come across broken links quite regularly 09:56
and I'd have another question regarding Documentable and Collection but 1. I'm still not completely up-to-date and 2. I don't want to hijack my own topic; that's actually something that might have a better place on the discussion tab :P 09:58
Nemokosch apparently Richard already tests the links... again, communication. I wish this community weren't this fragmented 11:43