Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
07:51 sena_kun joined 09:54 finanalyst joined 10:34 finanalyst left 12:51 finanalyst joined
Geth doc: mustafaaydn++ created pull request #4450:
Fix broken link in `uniprop`
doc/main: 0c26627bb5 | (Mustafa Aydın)++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Type/Cool.rakudoc
Fix broken link in `uniprop`

Attempts to fix #4449 with a Wikipedia link. There is a more formal [link]( from the Unicode standard itself but i) the next sentence refers to the Wikipedia page (a subsection therein) already and ii) formal link is harder to digest as it is a reference document and it's also a PDF.
17:06 finanalyst left 23:37 sena_kun left