Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc-website/docs-dev: cd8e00e3a8 | finanalyst++ | 17 files
addresses issue #372 by adding announcement popup & page

  - announcements.rakudoc is the source for the anouncement page and is contained in 'structure-sources' for this PR
  - When the website is opened an announcement modal pops-up
  - Once dismissed, it never appears again for that announcement
  - Adding a `Note` to the ***top*** of the announcements page changes the id of the last pop-up and so the new announcement will be popped when next the website is opened by a user
  - announcements can be suppressed by toggle in the ABOUT dropdown.
... (7 more lines)
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #378:
addresses issue #372 by adding announcement popup & page
[Coke] ^^ you can see the announcement by going to any url in docs-dev, e.g. 14:12
finanalyst++ 14:14
finanalyst [Coke] I dont want to merge to main until we have decided where to put the announcements source 14:16
[Coke] you can test the suppression by changing Website/structure-sources/announcements.rakudoc then commiting 14:18
finanalyst since the branch is still 'docs-dev' it wont be seen by everyone yet 14:18
also docs-dev commits dont need approval, 14:19
[Coke] finanalyst++ 16:11
can we pull the source from the doc repo instead of doc-website?
Or is that too fiddly?
finanalyst [Coke] my recommendation in PR is for the source to be on doc repo 16:12
[Coke] +1
finanalyst actually makes things much easier
[Coke] Let me reread the last comments there.
ok, that has the instructions on testing, thanks. 16:13
so, +1 from me for putting it in raku/doc... maybe .../Languages/announcements?
finanalyst [Coke] sorry for the delay. You still on line? 20:34
[Coke] back 20:35
oh, wow. we're online at the same time! :)
finanalyst :)
so, I thought that the best place would be immediately under doc 20:36
Language/ has a fair number of files under it
[Coke] ok, fair 20:37
finanalyst the only thing I havent done is to test bad or absent :date/:caption 20:39
[Coke] is the test version of announcements.rakudoc sufficient for the starting version? 20:45
only one =Note is needed, the others are more to provide some examples of what is possible
[Coke] I would remove the announcement announcement and have the epub one sit for a few days before adding the ann. one back in 20:52
finanalyst [Coke] sounds good. Shall I remove the Rakudo update? 20:59
Geth doc-website/docs-dev: 079943ccc1 | finanalyst++ | Website/plugins/announcements/generate-javascript.raku
fix error when no announcement page is available
doc-website/docs-dev: 068b7d4c9b | finanalyst++ | Website/structure-sources/announcements.rakudoc
remove announcement.rakudoc from website repo

  - add to Raku/docs
doc-website/main: 73ba7f6a2d | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 16 files
addresses issue #372 by adding announcement popup & page (#378)

  * addresses issue #372 by adding announcement popup & page
  - announcements.rakudoc is the source for the anouncement page and is contained in 'structure-sources' for this PR
  - When the website is opened an announcement modal pops-up
  - Once dismissed, it never appears again for that announcement
  - Adding a `Note` to the ***top*** of the announcements page changes the id of the last pop-up and so the new announcement will be popped when next the website is opened by a user
... (13 more lines)
doc/add_announcements_page: b0580c875c | finanalyst++ | doc/announcements.rakudoc
add announcements.rakudoc
doc: finanalyst++ created pull request #4451:
add announcements.rakudoc
[Coke] (sorry, stepped away) either way is fine on the rakudo update. 22:45
Geth doc/add_announcements_page: 4 commits pushed by (Will Coleda)++ 22:58