Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
Geth doc/main: 1a874e0f55 | (Will Coleda)++ | util/unskip.raku
Also try to un-:solo compilation tests

Fixes #4377
doc/main: 7614804865 | (Will Coleda)++ | 12 files
remove unneeded :solo processing

from running util/unskip
07:52 sena_kun joined 09:11 finanalyst joined
Geth doc/main: acdd515053 | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 2 files
add announcements.rakudoc (#4451)

  * add announcements.rakudoc
  * need trailing newline
  * new word
... (8 more lines)
doc-website/ignore_announcements_in_ebook: 05d355792b | finanalyst++ | EBook/configs/01-config.raku
ignore announcements.rakudoc when compiling EBook
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #379:
ignore announcements.rakudoc when compiling EBook
¦ doc-website: finanalyst self-assigned no popup 10:59
doc-website/main: 6d38667b3f | (Richard Hainsworth)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | EBook/configs/01-config.raku
ignore announcements.rakudoc when compiling EBook (#379)
[Coke] added the last X checklist tickets for tracking things that might need doc changes from rakudo 14:23
Geth doc-website/suppression_toggle_css_tweaks: 802efd23a1 | finanalyst++ | 4 files
make More->announcements less like link

  - change colour of text
  - make hover over background consistent
  - green is not intutive for 'suppressed', so change to another pallet colour
  - tweaks to placing of 'ball' & text
  - remove redundant CSS (.original)
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #381:
make More->announcements less like link
doc-website/suppression_toggle_css_tweaks: f2fbc03d74 | finanalyst++ | 6 files
more consistency changes
17:54 finanalyst left 18:12 hankache joined 18:29 finanalyst joined 18:33 finanalyst left
Geth doc/cursor_var: 9ec4c8fb6c | (Will Coleda)++ | doc/Language/variables.rakudoc
Add $¢ to the list of always available lexical var
doc: coke++ created pull request #4459:
Add $¢ to the list of always available lexical var
[Coke] ^^ would love review on that, esp. for the link to Match. 18:39
20:55 hankache left 23:40 sena_kun left