Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
03:33 tbrowder left, patrickb left 03:35 tbrowder joined 03:56 tbrowder left 03:58 tbrowder joined 03:59 patrickb joined 07:10 lizmat left 07:11 lizmat joined 07:33 sena_kun joined 08:11 sena_kun left 13:56 finanalyst joined 14:01 finanalyst left 14:57 finanalyst joined 16:16 finanalyst left 18:07 sena_kun joined 18:58 finanalyst joined
coleman I am testing a CI agent with the latest Rakudo 19:02
It's been a while since we upgraded the Rakudo version that builds the website. Over 6 months.
Build succeeded. But I need to try again after installing the syntax highlight tool 19:30
19:49 lizmat left 20:01 finanalyst left 20:05 lizmat joined
coleman I think we're good. 21:20
22:42 sena_kun left
[Coke] +1 23:46