Documentation Channel for #raku | This channel is logged | Roadmap:
Set by [Coke] on 23 May 2022.
01:15 uzl[m] joined
Geth doc: 2colours++ created pull request #4286:
Describe additional word splitters for quote protection
04:13 lucs left, lucs joined 07:39 sena_kun joined 08:54 sena_kun left 09:16 sena_kun joined 09:30 sena_kun left 10:57 NemokoschKiwi joined
NemokoschKiwi Hello, do you know where to roll back to get a working build of the site again? 10:58
Hm, or does it build again and only the branch I'm on is in the wrong state? 11:29
12:04 NemokoschKiwi left 12:14 NemokoschKiwi joined
NemokoschKiwi Yep, the branch was a tiny bit outdated. 12:14
Let me propose two related things for git workflow: 12:15
1. PR's need to be "fast-forward" to be merged, i.e they need to be rebased before the merge. This ensures the branch contains the state that will manifest after the merger. 12:16
2. always build the site with the state of the PR before merging, possibly checking parts that might be affected by the content of the change. I think the lesson was painful. 12:17
12:27 NemokoschKiwi left
[Coke] we don't need to pre-rebase the branches, we can do that when we merge the PR via the UI 13:10
(as far as the CI goes) - for testing things on the command line, it's nice to do, but someone testing locally can do a local rebase also.
(so, in general, yes, please keep PRs rebased against master, but I don't think it's a blocker) 13:12
Geth doc: 0rir++ created pull request #4287:
Inconsistent commafication in precedence table
17:45 sena_kun joined 19:22 NemokoschKiwi joined
Geth doc/main: efb43e659f | rir++ (committed by Will Coleda) | doc/Language/operators.rakudoc
Inconsistent commafication in precedence table
[Coke] that issue was in the original version of the file 11 years ago 19:47
20:05 sena_kun left 20:06 sena_kun joined
Geth doc-website/Add_commit_id_date_to_About: 428d390baf | finanalyst++ | 10 files
Addresses issue #238

This PR adds a new plugin `Website/plugins/generated` and bumps minimum versions of `Collection` and `Pod::From::Cache`.
  `Pod::From::Cache` v0.5.0 has new method to deliver last commit-id for documents.
  `Collection` v0.15.1 makes the commit-id and date of render available for plugins.
  `generated` adds these data when the block `=generated` is included in a Rakudoc source.
  `About.rakudoc` is amended to use `=generated`.
A live version can be seen at [new-raku /About](
doc-website: finanalyst++ created pull request #240:
Addresses issue #238
20:24 NemokoschKiwi left 22:31 sena_kun left