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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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Nemokosch how to downgrade dist version with zef? 09:53
more accurately, make sure that the version you are currently installing is the highest, or even only one 09:54
I mean, this would be easy to do for one dist (just uninstall it and install the right version, duh) - but is there something better when you have a whole depends list? 09:55
lizmat there would be no need to downgrade if all module dependencies had been pinned: then providing your initial use statement with correct version should be enough 10:11
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Nemokosch yes, and especially no need if you just tar all your dependencies with your software, duh 10:39
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pelevesque It 14:27
14:28 jpn left
It's strange. I just made version 0.10.0 of MIDI::Make and fez handles it nicely, but there are problems with zef. If I install with zef it works, but if I do zef list, 0.10.0 is not ordered properly. it comes between 0.1.0 and 0.2.0, not after 0.9.0. Also, it does not show up on raku.land at all even though it was uploaded some 10 hours ago. 14:30
14:30 jpn joined
Nemokosch 360.zef.pm/meta.json 14:34
oh not this
this is the user info
360.zef.pm/ 14:35
0.10.0 is indeed there
14:41 jpn left 14:43 Xliff left
pelevesque zef has it, but lists it in strange order and I wonder if that's why it does not show on raku.land 14:44
ugexe zef list doesn't imply any sort of ordering, nor does zef search 14:51
Nemokosch raku.land still seems very much like a black box to me 14:59
sometimes it lags behind
ugexe pelevesque: i dunno if its related but raku.land/build shows some sort of script it uses had errors 15:01
15:01 abraxxa left
Nemokosch m: say v100.b.c > v2z.b.c; say v1a0.b.c > v2z.b.c 15:06
Raku eval True False
Nemokosch I don't know how to search for this topic but it seems to me that this comparison should not use the numeric comparison operators 15:10
and it really just overloads numeric comparison operators in order to invoke the generic cmp...
15:18 Sgeo joined 15:22 _kybr_ joined
pelevesque @ugexe not sure why that error would be related to my project, I don't use github/tadzik/Terminal-ANSIColor 15:22
I don't know what Heather/ignore is either
_kybr_ is there a way to make sequences repeat? 15:24
m: (1,2,3,1,2,3 ... *)[^10]
camelia ( no output )
_kybr_ m: say (1,2,3,1,2,3 ... *)[^10]
camelia (1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)
_kybr_ but i would like to see (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1)
15:27 _kybr_ is now known as kybr
Nemokosch m: ((1, 2, 3) xx *)[^10].say 15:29
Raku eval ((1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3) (1 2 3))
Nemokosch oops
well, let's slip it
((1, 2, 3).Slip xx *)[^10].say
m: ((1, 2, 3).Slip xx *)[^10].say
Raku eval (1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1)
15:38 jpn joined
pelevesque cool 15:41
15:54 jpn left 15:56 jpn joined
ugexe pelevesque: there are more errors, such as the one error containing `/date` which looks like its potentially parts of its build process 16:00
Failed to open file /cache/zef/b994170df10048d10701b424cfcb18e6c9f63855/date: No such file or directory 16:01
in block <unit> at bin/parse line 88
i dont think it would be specific to your module more than just your module is in the fallout of that more general error 16:02
16:07 jpn left
pelevesque @ugexe I see. Thanks. 16:20
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Geth App-Rakubrew: c77f5d07ad | (Patrick Böker)++ | release-stuff/trigger-manual-build.sh
Fix Mac ARM build script
App-Rakubrew: 8cec6ebc20 | (Patrick Böker)++ | release-stuff/README.md
Correct typo in release-stuff/README.md
App-Rakubrew: 1583bb4cc5 | (Patrick Böker)++ | 3 files
Automate the release process

The script is not tested. Will do on the next release.
18:00 reportable6 left, reportable6 joined 18:25 deoac joined 18:26 jf656 joined, jf656 left 18:29 Guest2353 is now known as Sauvin
Nemokosch m: class Person { has $!name; method speak{ say self.name; } } Person.new(name => 'Tango').speak 18:52
Raku eval Exit code: 1 No such method 'name' for invocant of type 'Person'. Did you mean any of these: 'are', 'none', 'note', 'take'? in method speak at main.raku line 4 in block <unit> at main.raku line 7
Nemokosch this is what I expected 🤔 18:53
19:22 NemokoschKiwi joined
NemokoschKiwi m: 19:22
evalable6 Cannot test b817812bfbf612da4ffaca40093f99c4be4b0a0f (Commit exists, but an executable could not be built for it)
NemokoschKiwi class Person {
    has $!name;
    has $!age;
    has $!speech;
    method speak{
        say self.name ~ " ages " ~
        self.age ~ "says" ~ self.speech;
my $person = Person.new(name => "steve", age => 27, speech => "hello");
this probably shouldn't happen
19:23 linkable6 left, linkable6 joined
moritz you cannot initialize private attributes by passing them to new 19:25
make them public, so `has $.name; has $.age; has $.speech`
Nemokosch that's the least problem 19:30
self.name should downright fail - and it apparently does 19:31
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p6steve ^^ ++ you need submethod BUILD( :$!name ) { } 21:59
that keeps the private private, but sets the value on new
good examples in think raku chapter 12 22:00
22:00 jpn left
greenteapress.com/wp/think-perl-6/ 22:01
++ I agree that gt is unsearchable on the new docs site ... also it is unlinkable unless you know to copy the target address of the left menu (which is oddly listed in operator precedence order) docs.raku.org/language/operators.html#infix_gt 22:09
or you can just use cmp 😎
Nemokosch I just commented on an issue where it was kind of a feature that it was ordered by precedence 😅 22:14
hopefully I can find that comment from Jonathan sometime where he says basically the same thing that I try to represent within this topic 22:15
namely that you should either coerce or overload but not mix the two
if <=> stuff is established as Numeric coercer, at least the core shouldn't contradict that anywhere 22:16
kybr if i have $supply.tap(-> { .say; sleep 1/7 }) the sleep does a yield or something smart, right? 22:18
p6steve which issue?
Nemokosch tbh it would be easy to set up some strict policy that disallows these overloads 22:19
for example: $a > $b should be True if and only if $a + 1 > $b + 1 is also True
p6steve I think that the new docs operator page needs a section on 'comparison operators ' akin to the existing 'assignment operators' that culls info from the perl to raku explanation 22:20
yep 22:21
Nemokosch I don't think the bridge knows responses
p6steve raku precedence is very fine tuned and quite obscure to a casual viewer --- certainly not a good way to group the very long page on operators 22:23
Nemokosch tbh it would be quite legit and undisputable - if the search worked alright 22:25
22:31 sena_kun left
tbrowder__ m: my @a = 0,9...^36; my @b=0,5...^10; for @a-> $a { for @b -> $b { my $x = $a+$b; say $x }} 22:50
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unsupported use of -> as postfix. In Raku please use: either . to
call a method, or whitespace to delimit a pointy block.
at <tmp>:1
------> a = 0,9...^36; my @b=0,5...^10; for @a->⏏ $a …
22:57 jpn joined 23:02 jpn left
tbrowder__ how can i use a generated sequence in a for loop? i try this: my @a = 0,3, ... ^30; for @a -> $a { say "a = $a"} 23:02
then when i run it in a prog the increment is not the same as generated. let me try again 23:03
m: my @a = 0,3...9; say "a = $_" for @a 23:05
camelia a = 0
a = 3
a = 6
a = 9
23:12 ProperN[out] left
tbrowder__ weird; when i put that code in a script the increment becomes 1 instead of 3 23:21
for now i've changed to using a loop (boo). so, how does one use a generated sequence in a finite iteration?WITHOUT the increment and end point collapsing or being ignored? 23:59